XXXI // The Curious Case of Sirius Black

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February 12, 1978


The really annoying thing about Potions is that my desk mate is Sirius Black.

This is not new information, but it is still no less annoying than it was that first fateful day that Slughorn decided to put us together. It was annoying then, but even more annoying now due to my newfound realisation that I may... *shudder* ...'fancy'... *shudder* ...him. 

Now I don't just write that lightly, mind you. 

For those of us who have been on this journey for what, seven years now, this is a frightening development to say the least. 

I haven't actually really sorted through the muddle of emotions, and I have come to the realisation in the two or so weeks since Lily's party that I may have been repressing these emotions for obvious reasons: I do not want to have any romantic feelings of any sort for Sirius Black.

Yes, he makes me laugh. Yes, he has this sensitivity that I find weirdly attractive. Yes, he has an infectious personality and yes, I grudgingly admit that he might be good-looking.

All of this aside, here are the negatives.

Ahh, who am I kidding. Here comes a list.

An Incomplete List of Why Having Any Form of Romantic Feelings Toward One Sirius O. Black is a Terrible Idea and Can Lead to Nothing but Heartbreak for One Evelyn K. O. Bishop

1. He's very annoying. I do not know if I have the mental capacity to put up with his annoyingness for any extended period of time.

2. He's friends with James Potter, and that's a questionable allegiance at best. Wait, dammit, I'm friends with James Potter. Never mind, scratch that.

3. He is the biggest flirt of all time. Hogwarts has never encountered nor will encounter again a man of such vile need to caress the face of every woman to walk through the Hogwarts halls. He has had personal relations with many a woman, as I have not had with a man, and I'm not judging or anything, it's just... a lot. 

4. Family ties to possible death eaters? 

5. I recently broke up with his best friend. 

6. Oh, did I forget to mention? This whole thing would hinge on the bizarre concept of him having similar feelings toward me, which I can say with complete confidence that he does not. 

Therefore, point six rules everything invalid. This makes me even more annoyed because after all of the emotional and mental trauma I have gone through over the last few days to even come to this conclusion at all, I have gained nothing except a whole SWARM of flying insects in my stomach any time I so much as take a glance to my right this very morning. 

And speaking of the person on my right... He's currently bent over the desk, furiously scribbling notes down about our potion as it simmers in between us. There's a light haze of smoke in the air, being the Potions classroom and all, which makes him look even more dark and mysterious than usual. 

I hate it. 

Merlin, he just caught me staring at him. 

"Are you staring at me, Evelyn?" he asks. 

"I am most certainly not staring at you, nor would there be a reason for me to stare at you." 

Nice save, Eva.

"I can say with utmost confidence that you were definitely staring at me," he replies. "Mostly because James just wrote on our enchanted parchment that you've been staring at me for well over thirty seconds."

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