XXV // Crisis to the Power of Four

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December 19, 1977

Great Hall

So, I think I should probably address what happened in my last diary entry.

At the time of writing it, I was in a certain mixed state of shock and disbelief and decided it would be in my best interest to leave at the point where I left it so as to avoid overthinking literally everything that had just occurred. This, of course, did not prevent me overthinking it whatsoever.

What happened after he snogged me, you ask?

I think from memory - it's a bit hazy now - we just sort of stood there staring at each other for a bit.

It was sort of surreal, I suppose. There I was, having spent all this time obsessed with this boy, and then decided to move on and doing a really good job of it, by the way, now kissing this same boy who decided that I was now suddenly worth his effort.

That makes it sound bad, or like I didn't want him to kiss me, which is not true. Mostly? I don't know. I'm still conflicted about it.

Why are you conflicted about it, you ask?

It's not like I'm super conflicted or anything, it's just like a tiny minuscule inkling of conflict due to the fact that I had actually sort of started to move on, and now I had to readjust my whole perspective of the situation.

Speaking of, I never actually finished the story.

So I was stood there, staring at him, both our faces probably bright red, when he nodded at me, shook my hand, and walked off. Mind you, we still had more patrolling to do, but he didn't seem to care apparently.

What sort of lad snogs a girl and then shakes her bloody hand? He'd just spent the past five minutes spluttering out his new sudden feelings for me and then bloody walked away after we BLOODY SNOGGED.

Oh. Right. There's the conflicted feelings coming in.

After Remus walked off and left me standing there in the corridor I decided that if he wasn't going to finish patrol then I bloody well was going to finish it, much like a responsible adult would. I stuck it out until it was over, and then sort of raced into the common room like a madman and rushed up the stairs into my dormitory.

"Lily, wake up!" I whisper shouted, jumping on Lily's bed and shaking her less gently than I had initially planned.

"Whasgoinon?" Lily said, rubbing her bleary eyes.

"Remus snogged me in the hallway!"

"Alright, I'm awake," Lily sat up straight. "Wait, did you say that just to get my attention or were you serious?"

"I'm serious! (well, actually, no. I'm Eva.) Remus confessed his feelings for me, snogged me, and then walked off with no explanation!"

"He bloody what?!" Lily exclaimed, causing the rest of dorm to yell a mixture of things from 'shut up' to 'is it the apocalypse?'

"Remus snogged Eva and then walked off!" Lily shouted as if trying to process the information. In her defence, it was some hefty information to process.

Within seconds there was a flurry of feet as the rest of the girls leapt out of their beds and onto Lily's.

"Okay, Eve, you're gonna have to rewind and tell us the whole story from the beginning," said Marley, bouncing up and down.

I proceeded to recount the events of the evening.

"Whoa," Marley said after I'd finished my tale. "What does that even mean? Why did that even happen?"

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