XXXV // If Black Was A Colour

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March 2, 1978

Gryffindor Girls Common Room

If I could use a memory spell on myself and forget all of the regrettable actions that I made yesterday, I would. Alas, alack, I'm terrible at memory spells. I'm like, genuinely awful, and that's not the easiest thing for me to admit. 

Oh, you know who's brilliant at memory spells? Lottie. I might just ask her to remove my memory, and then all will be fixed. 

Wait, she'd have to remove Black's memory too. 

Agh! Black! 

I am a muddle of thoughts and feelings right now. It's awful. 

Like considering-taking-calming-draught-every-day-for-the-rest-of-my-life-awful.

Obviously, I have not gone down for breakfast because this would involve talking to Black which would involve addressing what happened last night which would involve so many other things that I'm not really ready for. 

Was I on drugs? Babbling beverage? Perhaps recovering from recent emotional trauma and not in my right mind? It was at least one of these things. 

I need to talk to someone. Maybe Lily and Lottie. Definitely Lily and Lottie. 

Bloody hell.

This is going to involve me sneaking down to the Great Hall and getting their attention without alerting anyone else. 

By anyone else, I do of course mean Sirius Black, the bane of my existence. 

Luckily for me, I am an expert super-sleuth. 


March 2, 1978

The Library

Okay, so it's been a couple of hours, and now I'm hiding out in the Library. 

My journey to the Great Hall didn't really go as I had initially planned, mostly because as soon as I got down there and peeked into the hall I noticed the black banners and had to take a few long moments to just sort of get it together. 

I thought this was reasonable under the circumstances.

Lily and Lottie were sitting in the middle of the Gryffindor table. Everyone was with them, which made it rather annoying for me to get their attention. I noticed Black immediately.

I mean, maybe it's because he sticks out like a sore thumb with his hair and his face and his whole everything about him, or maybe it's because he was standing on top of the table, wand pointed to the sky, yelling, "For Godric!" Either of those things would be a correct answer.

I couldn't tell you why he made that decision, for as soon as I noticed what he was doing I ducked around behind the door so he couldn't see me. It took me a few seconds to formulate my plan, but formulate I did. It was rather good, if I do say so myself. 

I scribbled down on a piece of parchment (I always carry parchment and a self-inking quill on me) that I needed to talk to Charlotte and Lily immediately, and then I waited for someone between first-to-third year to appear of either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff variety. As much as I have a general dislike of Hufflepuffs, I've discovered that the younger ones are relatively easy to manipulate into doing simple things for you, and all Gryffindors love me, so I figured those were my best options.

Without waiting for too long, a young girl who fit the above description walked into my eyeline.

"Psst," I hissed at her. "You, blondie, over here." 

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