CH. 11| I Don't Play That

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2 weeks later . . .

I was at my job as a receptionist at this lovely hotel. It fit me alot actually plus the pay and benefits are good. I still spend some of Von old money from time to time. Speaking of him, I've been ignoring him these past two weeks. What did he expect? He hurt me so now he needs to feel the same hurt but it's not like he cares. He's probably out, kicking it with the next bitch.

"Reign do you want to go out with us after work?" One of my coworkers asked me.

"Who is us? "I asked her. I barely liked these people up here. I was just here to make my money and leave. However, I enjoyed meeting the new customers.

"Me, Cameron, and Jason. You and Cam can get to know each other because I think he likes you. "She said.  Sounds like a double date to me.

"Where are yall going?"I asked her.

"White Castle. "She said.

"Oh my god! I'm so over White Castle. Do yall not have any other restaurant?"

"Girl that's the best one in town. Meet us in the parking lot when it's time to go. "She said and with that she walked away.

I stood up from my desk and went to get a cup of water from the break room. A few visitors watched me as I walked to my next spot. I can't lie, I've gained a little weight in my hips. I can barely fit any of my jeans now. Thank god I'm still flat chested because I can't carry the breast burden. I don't see how other females do it.

I got my water then went back to my desk. Business was a little slow today, I guess no one needed a room. I wasn't complaining less work for me.

The visitors just kept watching me so I asked them what the fuck do they want.

"We're waiting for someone. "One of them spoke.

"Do you have a room here?"I asked. They shook their heads no. I called security up anyways just to sit and keep me company. In case they wanted to try anything. My shift was coming to an end within a couple of hours so I didn't have long.

I took a cute selfie and posted it on insta. I had a nice amount of followers  on there, some I got from Von. He used to always flash me on his insta but now I don't know. I don't even check his page anymore.

"Hello can I have a room please?" A customer asked me. I was so caught up in my phone that I didn't even see them come up.

"Of course. What kind would you like? King size bed or what?"I asked them.

"One king size bed is enough. "She said.

"Ok smoking or none smoking and how many nights?"

"None smoking is fine and how much for a week?" She asked me.

"For a will be...a thousand dollars even. Do you want it?"I told her.

"Yes. My name is Bianca Pain. Use this card. "She handed me her card and as I was typing in the information,  I noticed the card was in Von's name. I rolled my eyes but finished anyways. Nah I'm not mad. What for? He isn't my man. I handed her the card back along with the room key. I should've been petty and took a picture of Von's card along since he buying thousand dollar rooms now. Anyways!

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