CH. 16| Demon cont'd

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I was on my way to the trap house to see Maya. Reign was still at home in the bed sleeping and she was mad at me. She's so stubborn man but that's my baby. I stopped at a red light then someone pulled up next to me. They revved their engine then I did mines. They wanted to race? On this skinny as road? I was nervous as hell. This road was a little too dangerous to be racing on.

The light turned green then they sped off and I followed suit. I was in the lead then they sped some more to catch up. I slowed down because of the turn coming up. They was still going full speed and ran right into a brick building. The car basically exploded behind me.

I kept going because turning back would be a risk.

Within a few more minutes, I made it to the trap. Everything was running smoothly as usual cause we was pretty lowkey with our business.

"Where's your girl?" One of the guys asked me.

"She's at home. She's mad at me right now. "I told him. He started laughing at me. The fuck is funny?

I went into the death room where Maya was being held. She still looked normal becuase they were ordered not to touch her. I wanted Reign to handle this her way.

"Why? Why would you do something as stupid as that?" I asked her.

"It wasn't my doing. I was just an accessory. "She said.

"A shame. What happened to women looking out for women? What happened to real friends? None of that exists anymore. Loyalty? Huh. Nothing. I just don't get it." I said to her.

"Did you question Ace like this? Because he's walking around this muthafucker like he didn't do shit but from my understanding she was his target all along. You might wanna look into that. "She said. My anger started rising and lord knows I was ready to blow this bitch down.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I snapped at her.

"Ask Ace or is he not being honest with you? Sounds personal to me. Do what you gone do to me so I can move on. "She said.

I stormed out of the room and searched for Ace. When I found his ass, I punched dead in his jaw. His face slammed against the wall as his diamond grill came out.

"Yo what the fuck Von!" One of my workers yelled.

"Tie his ass up with Maya before I would've been killed him too. "I said.

I left from the trap before shit got serious. I didn't have time right for all that right now. I had to get home to my baby but before I went home I stopped by the store and bought her some roses and snickers. Those were her favorites.

When I made it back home, she was still asleep so I woke her ass up.

"Von moooooove. "She whined because she was still sleepy. I kissed all over her face while on top of her until she opened her eyes.

"You still mad at me baby?"I asked her then I kissed her lips. She kissed back so I guess she wasn't mad anymore. "Here. "I handed her the roses and chocolate. She opened the chocolate immediately and started eating it.

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