CH. 19| Love

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"NO ITS UPSETTING ME THAT YOU BEEN SPENDING MORE TIME WITH MY DAD THAN ME! ARE YALL FUCKING?" I yelled at Von. I was beyond pissed at both him and my dad but mostly Von. They been leaving me at home by myself all week.

"Reign don't even fucking play with me like that. You know it's hot out right now and we can have you out like that. "He said to me.

"I can defend myself Von. I don't need you or my father to protect me. "I said to him. My chest was fully healed and I was back moving like nothing ever happened.

"Reign I'm not about to have this conversation with you. Anything you need to do outside of this place, me and your father will handle it. End of discussion. Now drop it. "He snapped then he laid back on the bed. I hate how close him and my father have grown over the days.

"Well I'm about to go downstairs and get my mail. "I told him.

"Not like that. "He looked at my shorts and oversized shirt. "Better put on some pants. "He demanded. He literally sat up until I put on a pair of pants. Fuck I need to buy some more clothes. All my shit getting too small.

"Happy now?"I asked him then I stuck up my middle finger. I grabbed my phone and keys then went to check my mailbox. On the way down, I ran into the guy from last week who had knocked on my door.

"Heyyy um Royalty ?" He said.

"No its Reign. Hey to you too. "I said to him. He gave me weird vibes but you know I didn't want to just judge him right off the back.

"My name is Sincere, my love. "He said introducing himself for a second time.

"Oh ok. Well nice seeing you Sincere but don't call me love again. "

"Excuse me for being a gentleman. What you prefer me to call you, shorty?" He asked then he laughed.

"No I expect you to leave me alone. "I said as I unlocked my mailbox and grabbed my mail.

We just stood there having a somewhat normal conversation. He was just screaming red flags you know unless it was just me being cautious. I didn't want to project what I've been through upon him so I just chose to keep my cool.

"Well I should get going now. My baby probably waiting for me. "I said to him.

"Can I have a hug?" He asked me. Is hugging another guy cheating? I mean I hug my father and he's another guy.

I hugged him anyways. He smelled so good. I pulled back before any thoughts of temptation filled my mind.

"See you around Reign. I'm only two doors down if you ever wanna chill. "He said. I waved bye then I made my way back into my apartment.

My father was making breakfast but he was just about done when I made it through the door. He was pouring grape juice in cups.

"Why yall only have grape juice here?" He asked us.

"Reign like that gay as shit. Real niggas like orange juice. "Von said. Him and my father both laughed.

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