WB2TO |Chapter 1

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I cleaned off the cart before putting Kayden inside. I was in Walmart making groceries because the house was close to empty. Even though Kayden was almost seven months, he was already eating a little table food here and there. I barely allowed Tyson to eat table food but he eat whatever we dropped on the floor.

I pushed the cart down the aisle in search of items that we needed while Kayden reached for almost everything. He was so picky yet he ate everything. It just had to be a certain flavor.

"Awww he's so cute. "A woman said from behind me. I turned around and she stood there staring at Kayden smiling. Kayden didn't smile back instead he looked frightened.

"Thank you ma'am. "I said then I started back walking but she spoke again.

"Would you like some candy?" She asked him. Kayden began to cry as she tried handing him a pack of fruit snacks.

"No thank you ma'am. He's fine. I told her. I gripped onto the cart because the lady got a little too close to me and Kayden.

"Awww why not?" She asked me. She was acting mad weird.

"Because I said so. He's only a few months, he can't even have that. "I told her then I strutted away. She stood on the same aisle staring at me as I walked away.

After that whole situation, I was getting hella bad vibes so I decided to leave. It felt like someone was watching me the whole time. I looked behind me but I didn't see anyone. I tried not to make it obvious that I was alert and a little nervous or paranoid.

I walked calmly to towards the exit. I took Kayden out of the cart and rolled it to its rightful place. I started walking out with KK in my arms. I held his head down over my shoulder as I walked to my car.

I unlocked the door and got in the front seat. I didn't even put Kayden in his carseat first. I locked the doors then I put him inside his carseat from the front. I adjusted my mirrors and put my seatbelt on. I made sure he was good then I pulled off.

I had the radio on low playing some blues music. KK sat back there minding his business in his own little world. As I was pulling out of the store lot, I saw the lady from inside the store getting into her car. She didn't notice me. I thought.

However as I was driving I noticed someone following me. Before I panicked I called Von. I was using my old phone since Von had broke my other one.

"Hello.  "He answered.

"Hey um someone is following me from the store and I don't know what to do um. "I explained to him.

"Do you know who it is?" He asked me.

"No um this lady kept trying to give KK candy in the store but I told her no. Like she was acting real weird but I don't think it's her because it's not her  car. Like I saw her get into a black car but this car is silver with tinted windows. Like dark ass tint. "I explained to him some more.

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