Chapter 16

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After Stephan finally asked me to dinner properly, I sprinted to our room to get ready. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Jason to come to Stephan and I's room to help me prepare. 

"Steph asked me to dinner, come quick"

"On the way cutie ;)"

I have about an hour to get ready, so I quickly hopped in the shower while I left Jason to get my outfit. I let the almost scolding water relax my muscles, and I felt my nerves roll of my shoulders. I scrub my body with my vanilla scented body wash, and washed my hair with my matching shampoo and conditioner. I quickly shaved and hopped out wrapping a fluffy white towel around me in the process. 

Once I towel dried my hair, and I dried my body, I threw on my robe and tied it tight. I walked into my room to see Jason standing in front of my dresser with many different dresses on his arms.

"Hey Jason" I got his attention

"Oh, Kells! You're finally out of the bathroom, thank god! Throw on these, then pick a dress" Jason threw a very... revealing... set of lingerie. Gross.

"I am only wearing this because it's a special occasion" I pointed, "never again".

Jason shook his head while I threw on the undies and bra. The amount of straps and bullshit all over the you think men would fall at my feet.

"Ok, I think I found the perfect dress!" Jason holds out this beautiful silver dress with sequins at the top and layers on the bottom (picture in the media box).

"It's beautiful Jason..." I stared at is touching the tool and sequins.

Jason quickly sat me in a chair and started working on my hair and make up. We decided to do a pulled out braid to draw attention to the dress. Jason Dutch braided my hair and pulled out the pieces to flare it out. He also added little babies breath flowers into the braid to add a little cuteness.

Next he worked on my make up, only going lightly. Jason added some light silver shadow to my eyes and a little highlighter in the corner of my eyes and on my cheekbones. We topped it off with some mascara and lipgloss. 

Jason helped me up and I slipped on my dress. Jason zipped me up, then left me to choose some shoes while he went to get something to eat. I picked out some silver scrappy heals and I put them on. While sitting at my vanity, I packed my clutch.

I put my lipgloss, phone, headphones, blotting sheets, mints, chapstick, and perfume into my bag. I also threw in the stupid pocket knife Stephan and John makes me carry around. As soon as Jason texted me there was a knock on the door. 

"Good luck ;)"

I laughed and shook my head, and opened the door to see John standing there:

"Don is waiting for you"

I thanked John and made my way down the carpeted floors of the hallway. I'm usually never nervous but today I am, Stephan has never truly asked me to dinner. Yes of course we have been out to dinner but he would either just take me, or tell me. I flattened out the bottom of my dress and started walking down the stairs. Just like in the movies, Stephy was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs in a black suit. 

He wore a white, short sleeve button up which showed off his tan, muscular chest. His shirt was tucked into a pair of black slacks with a black Gucci belt. His shoes were the same color of his pants, which pulled the look together. He also had a gold chain with a cross hanging around his neck. That's hot, just saying.

"Bellissima"  I head Stephan say quietly. I may not know Italian but I know French, I think it means beautiful. 

When I was younger, and my parents were happy, they took me on trips to France. We would spend every single summer there and I guess I just picked up the language. No one knows that, not even Jason. I never felt the need to tell anyone, and if I did, I know Jason would say 'say something in French' constantly. I mostly keep it to myself because it's almost like a memento of mine; a memento of something good from my past.

I quickly come out of my own thoughts when I realized I had stopped in the middle of the stairs. Stephan is staring at me in confusion but I just brush it off and continued down the stairs.

"Ready, my queen?" Stephan holds his elbow out for my hand, to which I gladly oblige. 

Stephan leads me out of the house and to his black sports car. He opens the door for me and I get in, buckling my seatbelt. Stephan gets in to the driver seat and quickly speeds out of the driveway and down the road.

"So, where are we going" I start

"It's a surprise tessoro"

"Oh come on, not even one hint" I pry

"Nope, now stop asking" he playfully growls

I slump in my seat and cross my arms when I text pops through my phone.

"you got it bbg, get some dick tonight <3"

Oh, Jason. I laugh which caught Stephans attention. 


"Nothing" I reply quickly, Steph already hates Jason enough, I don't need to give him another reason to knock his teeth out.

"No, let me see it," Stephan sticks out his hand

I sign knowing no matter what I say, Steph would win. I slap my phone in his hand and he turns it over quickly and read the text Jason sent me.

"What is a bbg?" Stephan asked, tilting his head

"Baby girl," I say and Stephans knuckles immediately tighten on the steering wheel and his jaw clenches, "Be fore you blow up, it means nothing! He's just saying that because we're close; not to mention, JASON IN GAY!" 

I put my hand onto Stephans which is resting on the arm rest. I laced out fingers and Stephan pulled our hands to his mouth and kissed it a few times. As if on cue, we pull up to the restaurant, and to my luck, it's a French restaurant. 

Don't get me wrong, French cuisine is pretty damn good, but at almost every French restaurant, they strictly speak French, or if they do speak English, it is almost impossible to understand. I guess my secret will be out soon, not that it's really a secret, but it's something insanely personal. Honestly, I feel ready to tell Stephan, I want to be with him forever, so what is stopping me? Nothing.

Stephan parks and opens the door for me and helps me out of the car. I hold his elbow as we walk through the door, the warm, home like restaurant contrasting with the cold, dry winter air. 

"Avez-vous une réservation?" A man at the front asks. Stephan was about to yell at the man but I stepped up quickly and said, "Oui, one réservation pour deux. Il devrait être sous le nom Stephan."

translations: "do you have a reservation?" "yes, a reservation for two. It should be under the name Stephan."


Hey guys! I am so sorry that I haven't posted in forever but we have so many new readers! I am so appreciative of every single one of you! Thank you for your endless support! I love reading all your comments and hearing your feedback! If you ever have any book recommendations, or if you're writing your own book feel free to message me! Gotta blast!

- jackie

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