Chapter 14

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After my little fiasco with Stephan in the bathroom, we went to Jasons house to start packing up mine and Jasons things. I got some boxes for our stuff from the closet and started packing our rooms. I'm not sure how I feel about moving in with Stephan but I am concerned about Jason's safety and my own. 

I packed my books, painting supplies, toiletries and other things first and waited to do my clothes for last. Conveniently, just as I was packing my pantie and bra drawer, Stephan showed up. I started moving faster so he couldn't see but Stephan grabbed my wrists and sat down on the floor, pulling me on his lap.

I started folding up my underwear and I would see Stephan staring at all of my lacy panties; well, I guess we know he likes lace. All of a sudden a rock flew through my bedroom window.

Stephan quickly shielded me with himself and took out his gun. Jason came running in with a kitchen knife about 10 seconds later. Stephan thought the intruder was at the door so he pointed the gun at Stephan. 

"what's going on- AHH PUT THAT AWAY!" Jason yelled

"Let me up Stephan" I pleaded.

Stephan let me up and I grabbed the rock with a little box and note attached. The note read:

So, you thought you could get away from me by having a fling with a new boy? Ha! Do you think I am stupid? I know you love me Kelly! And I know you know it too! Don't try and stop me from claiming what's mine because YOU BELONG TO ME, kitty! Don't you just love that name, kitty? Oh man, how my hands itch to touch you once will be my, there is no other way. That stupid little boy you have wrapped around you finger is no match for me, a real man. I have a little surprise for you kitty, its in the white box. 

With love, N.D.

I dropped the paper and quickly opened the white box to reveal a pair of my underwear, they were black and cheeky, but I could never forget them. I dropped it on the floor and covered my mouth. Stephan grabbed the box and pulled the underwear out. I could see the fire in his eyes and he ripped them apart and threw them on the ground. I quickly pulled me into his arm and shoved him face into my neck and took deep breaths. 

I run my hand through his hair and he was gripping my waist hard enough to leave bruises. I was crying in confusion, anger, and in pain. N.D. no doubt stands for Nathan Daniel. Nathan was my ex boyfriend and he was aggressive.

Nathan is tall, around 5 foot 11, muscly but not too much, and he was sweet in the beginning. He got hooked on drugs from all my parents peer pressure. I told Nathan that they would try and get him to do it, and I have always said no, and so had Nathan for a while. Him and my dad became close, and one day I walked in on them sorting coke off the kitchen counter. Later that night I confronted him about it, and he smacked me. From then on her continued to hit me and verbally abuse me. I was fed up and I wanted out of our relationship; I told him how I felt and he told me I was his, and that he owned me. He told me he had been waiting for me, but he was tired of waiting. He brought me to his room and threw me onto the bed. He had raped me. I was wearing a pair of black cheeky underwear.

"How did he get those Kel?" Stephan looked down at me

I looked up with my eyes filled with tears, "he took them when he raped me"

Stephan's eyes were filled with rage I never knew existed. He turned around and punched a wall out of frustration. The dry crumbled and a hole was created. He walked back over to me and picked me up causing a squeal to come out of my mouth. He kissed me hard and I could taste my own salty tears. 

Whenever I am with Stephan I feel this overwhelming safe feeling. He makes me feel like I can be me, and still be safe. I know I am nothing special; I am a dorky girl with long brown hair and boring blue eyes. Why he wouldn't pick a 5 foot 10, skinny, blonde girl is beyond me but he still chose me. He picked me. Out of every single girl in this world, he chose me. I think I am falling in love with a man I met a month ago. 

No, that's impossible. I can't say I am in love him. There is no way, Nathan told me that no one would ever love me because my flower was taken, but I don't think that's true. I shouldn't be defined by something that happened in my past. I won't let it define me. 

I was taken out of my trance when Jason placed his hand on my arm. He pulled me into a tight hug,

"I'm proud of you for telling Stephan" Jason said rubbing my back

"Thanks Jason"

I let go from our hug and moved over to Stephan again he pulled me into a bear hug. 

"Let's finish packing" Stephan stroked my hair.

For the next few hours that's what we did. We filled boxes and boxes with all of our stuff and taped them up. After all our boxes were packed Stephan and Jason loaded them into the trunk and backseat of Stephan's car. Once everything was securely in Stephans car we hopped in a drove off back to Stephan's house. On the way Stephan got a phone call:


"Don" (Don)

"Si, via avanti" (yes, get on with it)

"Abbimao un piano, signore" (we have a plan, sir)

"Alla fine, quei bastardi marciranno all'inferno" (finally, that bastard is gonna rot in hell)


Hey guys!! Cliffhanger, noooooo...... lol. Anyway we hit 1.6k reads and I am so happy! I pushed out a chapter last night, and I tried to push this out last night but it has taken me forever to perfect. its not 4:30am and I am publishing this now. If there are spelling or stupid mistakes it's because I am sleep deprived. But I mean what junior isn't? Thanks again for all the love and support you Gus give me! Criticism is always welcome and is encouraged! Have fun with this chapter!! Gotta blast!


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