Chapter 27

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Gavin, Enzo and Gio above****(just something to give you an idea of what they look like)

"No fucking way!!" I screamed.

Jason slapped his hand over my mouth and whisper-yelled "Kelly!"

"Sorry!" I whisper-yelled back.

Jason and I basically fangirled about his new boytoy and giggled basically all night. We watched some comedy, Disney, and action movies. Our last movie of the night was going to be a horror movie called 'The Conjuring'.

About halfway through the movie, we woke up the entire house, each one running down the stairs with their weapons of choice: Stephan was first with a sig, Enzo was next with a revolver, Gavin came after with a a pocket knife, Gio was immediately after Gavin with a glass vase, and lastly was Maddie who came downstairs with her silk pajamas, eyes mask and one bunny slipper, the other was in her hand in an attacking position.

Everyone joined us on the couch with one of the boys a little too close to Jason, and we all watched the rest of the movie. It was about 06:00 by the time the movie was over and there was no point in sleeping now. 

The temperature had significantly dropped from yesterday's day at a whopping 45 degrees. Especially in the morning, the air is sharp, so when we went outside to get in the car, I sneezed at least four times. Stephan was constantly checking my temperature as we drove to the supermarket. 

Once we arrived at 'Kowalski's Market', we all piled out of Gio's truck and made our way into the shop. Enzo grabbed a cart, and we made our way around throwing everything we want into the basket. As soon as we got to the meat section of the store, Gio, Lorenzo and I all stopped, and started looking for the same thing: Taylor Ham. As soon as I spotted it, I reached out and grabbed it. 

"I found it!" I yelled.

"Yes!" Gio and Enzo said simultaneously.

I threw it in the basket along with ground beef, steak, chicken, and bacon. We continued on our way, every once in a while getting odd looks from random people. Gio sent me and Maddie to grab whipped cream in one of the aisles while the rest of them continued.

We walked down the aisle with refrigerators lining the walls and looked for the whipped cream. Right as I found it and reached out to grab the can, someone else grabbed it.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I apologized. 

"Oh no, it's ok," the man chuckled, "but hey, why don't you repay me by coming home with me, huh sweet cheeks?"  

"Uh, sorry sir, I have a boyfriend" he grabbed my arm, "let go of me!"

"No can do sweet stuff, you're coming with me."

"Hey! Let her go!" Maddie tried to rip his hand off me. 

The man kicked Maddie in the stomach and she fell over. I quickly kicked the guy in the balls and he feel to the floor on his knees. I punched him in the face and pushed him over. I stepped on his neck with my boots and told him he would regret the day he was born, along with a few choice cuss words. I helped Maddie up and grabbed the can of whipped cream.

We made our way back to the boys, and as soon as they say Maddie hunched over and me rubbing my arm, they rushed towards me. Enzo, Gio, Jason and Stephan ran over to me, while Gavin rushed up to Maddie. Stephan carefully pulled up my shirt sleeve and inspected the now bruised skin of my arm.

Stephan's jaw clenched and he started shaking, "qualcuno morirà oggi!"

I looked at him in confusion but hugged him tightly and whispered nothings in his ears in hopes of calming him down. His body stopped shaking so I let go and looked at Gio and Enzo who almost had smoke coming out of their ears. Maddie was telling Gavin what happened, while I choose not to make a big deal out of nothing.

After the little incident in the market, we checked out and of course, Stephan payed even when every single one of us offered to pay or help at least. The boys loaded everything into the car and we drove off back to the mansion. 

Once we arrived home, the boys and I took all the groceries in and placed them on the counter. We started stocking the fridge and pantry with all the food and junk we bought. After everything was put away, we started making breakfast. Maddie and I prepared waffles, eggs, Taylor Ham, and a fruit salad. 

All the boys piled there plates sky high, while Maddie got a normal plate, and I, had a smoothie. 

"Eat, Kelly" Enzo demanded. 

"I am you rat! Look at this!" I held up my smoothie. 

Enzo rolled his eyes and continued eating like he's been starving for years.

Stephan was eating at a normal pace compared to everyone else, but he still ate just as much. I don't understand how these boys eat so much but stay in such amazing shape. 

Rolling my eyes at my own thoughts, I sat down and sipped on my drink. Everyone was having a conversation while I was left with my own thoughts. 

I have been feeling a bit weird lately. I'm getting his gurgley, quenching gut feeling that something weird is going to happen. Maybe not something bad, but something wrong. 

"Right, Kelly?" Jason said laughing.

"Huh?" I said looking up.

Jason just shook his head laughing, "I said you're a bad multitasker."

"Excuse me! I am a fantastic multitasker!"

"Oh yeah? What were we talking about?"

"You were saying something about the bakery, and how I almost burned it down that one time!" I said confidently.

"How do you do that?" Jason yelled.

"What can I say, I'm a good multitasker," I smirked. 


Hey guys, I decided to double update tonight. This chapter is a little shorter than usual but it's ok, it's sort of a filler chapter with a mix of some action. I also kept Jason's boytoy a mystery, hehehehe!! You guys will eventually find out, maybe...jk jk, I will tell you guys!

Thank you again for all the support you have given me and this book, I love it. Hope you guys have a good night!!! Gotta blast!!! (I also just noticed I didn't say gotta blast in my last post I apologize)


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