Chapter 19

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"If I may ask Kelly, who is Maddie Martin?" John asked confused but still typing

"A friend"I curtly respond leaving no room for anymore questions.

John typed quickly on his laptop, his fingers hitting hard onto the poor keys. After a few clicks of his mouse he was done. 

"Maddie Martin, age 20, lives in Paris, France with her parents Charles Martin, age 48, and Jacqueline Martin, age 45." John said reading from the screen

I told John to write down their address on a sticky, and he did. I thanked him and took the note and ran to Stephan and I's room. Stephan was sitting on the bead, his head in his hands. 

"Hi Stephan" I awkwardly said

Stephan looked up holding his chin with his hands. 

"I know you're upset with me right now, but I have a reason for keep this secret from you." I sighed, "I didn't want you to think I was some disgusting monster and I killed people without a second thought. That is not me! Sure I used to be like that, but I'm different now. I would never kill anyone, ever."

"I forgive you Kelly, but I would never think of you differently. Hell, I kill people without a second glance, and just because you did it a few times when you were younger doesn't mean I will love you any less." Stephan said reaching out and grabbing my waist.

What the fuck did he just say? "Did you just- You just- You said- Are you serious? Do you actually mean it?"

"Yes Kelly, I love you with all my heart and I'm never letting you go angel."

"I- I love you too Stephan" I smile running my fingers through his hair.

Stephan picks me up and spins me around in the air and giving me a big wet kiss on the lips. I laugh and wipe the sober off my lips that Stephan put there. I reached up and licked his cheek.

He looked at me like I was insane. Almost immediately, he ran after me, tackling me to the ground and tickling me. He tasered my sides and quickly but gently moved his fingers over my armpits and neck. I couldn't stop laughing, and I was convinced I was going to piss myself.

"Stephan- Stephy, please, please stop" I plead to no avail

"Say I'm the hottest man on the planet" He bargained

"Never" I said through laughs, giggles, and snorts.

"Say it!" Stephan demanded

"Fine, fine," Stephan halted his movements, "Stephan is the ugliest guy in the whole world!"

I took advantage of Stephans halt and pushed him off of me and I got on top of him. I started to tickle him on his neck, under his armpits, his sides, but I got no reaction. Everyone has to have a tickle spot, come on! When he just started at me chuckling I got up grumpily and walked to our closet to change my clothes. I can't only wear one outfit in a day, besides this jacket was making me too hot.

I stripped, keeping my undergarments on, and picked a new outfit. I chose a pair of leggings I saw on tiktok and ordered, and a pink vineyard vines shirt. I slipped on some fuzzy socks and made my way out of the closet. Stephan was no where to be found, which I thought was quite odd but oh well.

I opened the door to our room and stepped out into the hallway. I walked over to Jason's room down the hall and knocked on the door. 

Jason opened it a few seconds later and let me through into his room silently. 

"Jason before you say anything I just want you to know I'm sorry. I didn't want you to think of me as some sick monster who kills people whenever they want. I don't think I have the heart to kill anyone ever again. I'm sorry I kept my secret from you, but I swear something like this will never happen again. I will always tell you everything; I pinky swear" I held out my pinky finger.

Jason hooked my finger with his and said "Kelly, it's ok! Really, I understand why that was something you kept to yourself. I guess I was just a little upset about it before when we got out of the car. I'm sorry for being so cold towards you before. But I wish you would have told me!"

He leaned in towards my ear and whispered, "I know French too, you dingdong!"

I looked at him in awe and he nodded his head, yes, confirming what I just heard was correct. In no time we were covering in French and talking about Jason's new boy toy.

"Son nom est Tommy, et il est très mignon!" (His name is Tommy, and he is so cute!)

 "A quoi ressemble-t-il?" (What does he look like?)

"Il est grand, cheveux blond, yeux verts et peau bronzée. Je pense qu'il est est Italien." (He is tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. I think he is Italian.)

"Tout le monde ici est Italien!" (Everyone here is Italian!)

We laughed for a bit and chatted about little things and I pestered Jason about his little crush. After a while we decided to get a snack from the kitchen. I twisted open the golden knob to the right and opened the door to see Stephan leaning his ear against it. What a little sneak!

"You little snake!" I pointed my finger at him in playfulness

"S'il est un serpent, alors je pence que j'aime les serpents maintenante"  (If he's a snake, then I think i'm in love with snakes now)

I shoved Jason's shoulder and laughed. We walked down the hall and the stairs with Stephan following close behind me. We made it to the kitchen and Jason and I made eye contact.

"Movie night!" we said in unison

We used to always have movie nights when we were in high school so by now, we have our routine down. Jason always makes the pop corn and pours the drinks. I always grab all the junk food. I used to always grab a pillow sack and put as much snacks as I could. 

Jason searched the house for popcorn and soda, and I started looking for snacks. I found Twinkies, KitKats, Twix bars, skittles, m and ms and took all the chips in the cabinets. Jason popped the popcorn and got the soda. I noticed Stephan looking at me with a smile.

"What?" I said when Jason started making his way up to my room. 

"Are you going to eat all of that?" He joked

I pushed him, "Yes!"

Jason and I spent hours watching movies and stuffing our faces with candy and snacks. Stephan tried to join a few times but we would never open the door, no matter how much he begged.

All of a sudden I heard a loud bang on the door,

"Alright, alright, I'm coming, I'm coming" I got up and opened the door

Stephan stood there with his jaw clenched, and he grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me out of the room. He brought me to his office and sat me down in the chairs across from his desk. John was there looking guilty and wouldn't look into my eyes. 

"Whose address is on this yellow square?"

Yellow square? Oh shit, the sticky note.


Hey guys! I'm happy with this chapter and I'm glad a pushed it out tonight! I have a ton of school work to catch up on tomorrow but Happy Valentine's Day! Also, I have been seeing some confusion with the pronunciation of 'Stephan'. It's not Stee-vin, it's pronounced Stef-fin. Thanks for all the love and support! I love to hear your guys comments and feedback! If there are any recommendation for me I would love to hear them! Thanks again guys, I love you all!! Gotta Blast!


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