Chapter 6

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Stephan left me standing there last night at the door. He drove off and as soon as I walked through the door I saw a sight I never thought I would see. My older brothers, Giovanni and Lorenzo. 


My jaw was still on the floor when they came up and hugged me tightly. I haven't seen my Gio since he went to college, and Lorenzo had shipped off in a navy uniform the day after graduation. I am so excited almost completely forgot about my neck-

"What are those?!" Lorenzo points at my neck

My hands fly up to cover myself, "What? I don't know? I burned myself!"

"No, no, no, THAT'S A HICKEY!" Gio butts in

"What kind of drugs are you people on? I burned myself you clowns! I'm going to sleep" I already hate them, not really, but I do.

I quickly stomped upstairs and got my phone out. I texted Stephan and told him how much I dislike him. All he had to say was 'you're mine'. How rude. fucker. I am just going to sleep it off. 


The next morning I got up early, around 7 to make breakfast. Ms.Smith started giving me less hours because I am becoming more busy with school, friends, and family. I really appreciate it from her, she is such a sweet women. 

I whipped up some pancakes, eggs and bacon for Jason, Gio and Lorenzo. I wasn't that hungry so I just made myself a smoothie. As if on cue, all three of the walked in and piled food into their plates.

"You need to eat, Kel" Gio says.

"I'm not too hungry, besides I'm trying to lose a little weight" I said slapping my tummy.

"You're a fucking stick Kelly, eat something more than some blended up." 

"Stop Gio, I'm not hungry" I rolled my eyes and sat on Lorenzo's lap, not in a weird way, in a little sister way just to clarify.

"I invited my friend over here Jason if you don't mind" Lorenzo spoke

"Yeah for sure, my house is your house" Jason said genuinely 

They did their bro hug, weird back slap thing and smiled at each other. I know Jason has a crush on Lorenzo, but Lorenzo isn't gay. Lorenzo started playing with my hair when the door opened and shut. That must be Enzo's friend. (Enzo is Lorenzo for clarification; it is just a nickname

"Lorenzo! Get your Navy ass down here!" I knew that voice...Stephan

"I'm in here you idiot" Enzo yelled

Stephan walked in smirking, but when he saw me is smirk was gone and it was replaced with anger. He ripped me off of Enzo's lap, almost making me fall, and he drew his fist to punch Lorenzo in the face. I tried to step in to stop him but instead of my hand stopping his fist, my face did. 

"Holy shit, Kelly!" Lorenzo screamed; everything was ringing and I could barely hear.

"Don't fucking touch her you cunt, get away from her!" Stephan yelled and caused Enzo to be more confused.

"Dude what the fuck are you talking about? I'm her fucking brother!?" Enzo said

"Oh shit"

"Urghhh" I groaned and stood up only to have Stephan grab me so I don't fall over.

He walked me over to the bathroom and sat me on the toilet lid. He kneeled down yet he was still towering over me. He wiped away the tear that was slipping out of my eye from pain. There was already a nasty, blue and yellow bruise under my left eye. 

"Mi dispiace, Mi dispiace, I'm so fucking sorry baby, my love. I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry! Please tell me you forgive me!" Stephan pleaded

I just started laughing. It really and truly did hurt, but I have been hit harder and bruised worse to just sit here and cry over a little black eye. I just shook my head and said,

"Hey, Stephy! It's ok, really. I am fine."

"But baby I-"

"No buts! And when did you start calling me baby?" I cocked my head and smiled 

He just smirked and shrugged. His gazed travelled to my neck, the marks he created on full display.

"What did your brothers say?"

"I just said I burned myself with a hot iron" I shrugged

Stephan gripped my chin tightly in his large hand and said "If anyone else asks, I gave them to you. Don't lie sugar" he chuckled, "I'm just a little territorial that's all."

He kissed me, and it started off slow, but progressively got faster and faster until I was standing up, turned around, and pinned against the wall. He worked his way lower and lower until he was at the base of my neck, and even lower to the valley of my breasts. My mouth was near his ear, so I took a risk and started kissing him. His movements stopped and his body was ridged, in a good way I think.

I started at his ear, and worked my way down his neck. I sucked lightly on his adams apple. He groaned and I took that as a sign to keep going. I went further down until I was at his pecs. I slipped my hand under his shirt and let me tell you, my fingers felt every ab and muscle on his body. 

He obviously had enough of my teasing so his fingers wrapped around my neck and he squeezed lightly, but not enough to halt my breathing. He kissed me hard almost as if he was showing me he was in control. His hand travelled up over my waist and his hand fell to my Brest. He squeezed and I couldn't help but moan into his mouth, to which he responded with his own deep groan.

"What the hell is going on in there!?" Gio yelled, he always has to interrupt me

"Nothing, were coming out now" I rolled my eyes

I fixed my hair in the mirror and wiped my chapstick off of Stephans lips. He pecked me once more before we opened the door to both my brothers and Jason standing with their arms crossed over their chests. I just put on my innocent puppy dog eyes and shrugged my shoulders. Gio and Enzo shook their heads, and Jason wiggled his eyebrows. If I didn't know Jason, I wouldn't assume that he was straight. He looks like your typical straight man: short brown hair, blue eyes, muscles, slightly shaven, did I mention big ass muscles (pic in media pox).

"So what are you? Boyfriend and girlfriend?" Enzo asked annoyed


hey guys!! thank you for 60 reads omg! this is so crazy that people like my book. I hope all you guys had a blessed and safe thanksgiving! you are all my best friends now lmaoo. i think i'm going to post again tonight but I'm not sure. if not I will see y'all in two or so days! alsoooooo I'm getting my christmas tree tomorrow so I am super hyper! i love christmas! comment your fav holiday? constructive criticism is always welcome! gotta blast


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