Chapter 31

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If I could only use one word to describe how our shopping trip went, my one word would be chaotic. The whole time Stephan would nag me and say 'buy what you want', or 'that's not too expensive'. Eventually I got fed up with his crap and I parted ways with him. My brothers and Jason went with Stephan, while Gavin, Maddie and I walked around for a little bit longer. 

I went to many different stores looking at many different items I really don't need, and buying things at unfathomable prices. I went to a little shop that sells crystals and bought a few, along with some rings and jewelry. Later we stopped at Victoria Secret, and Maddie and I bought a few items while Gavin waited outside. We know how awkward it can be for others when a guy is in there.

We made it to our final and much awaited destination, the apple store. I was in dire need for a new phone after I magically dropped my in the pool. I'm not to into materialistic items so whatever iPhone my eyes landed on first, was the one for me-- unless it was too expensive. I ended up choosing a newer model, which is good but at the same time the price was astronomical. 

Maddie bought me a case for my new phone, and actually, we have the same phone. She has a lilac colored one, while I have a yellow one. I tried to take her phone to see what my case would like like on hers, but she wouldn't let me touch it. 

"Maddie," I laughed and stuck out my hand, "let me see your phone."

"No, I have private stuff in here!" she exclaimed hugging the purple rectangle to her chest.

"Let me see,"


"Madison Martin, hand it over!"


"Madison, si tu ne le remets pas, je raconterai à tout le monde la fois où tu as chié ton pantalon en sixième" (Madison, if you don't hand it over, I will tell everyone about that time you shit your pants in the sixth grade).

Her face paled and she looked over her shoulder to see Gavin trying to contain his laughter. She reluctantly slapped her phone face down in my open palm. I turned it over and couldn't believe the messages on her screen: two hundred and eighty three missed calls and ninety seven texts from the one and only, Stephan. 

"I wasn't trying to cause a problem, he kept trying to call me and figure out where we were and where you were! He was yelling, and apparently they went home already and he's trashing his office."

The only sentence that could come out was "you have got to be shitting me."

This is where I'm at now, we are on the way home and I am halfway done setting up my new phone. Maddie keeps mumbling about how sorry she is for keeping this from me, and Gavin is dead asleep in the backseat. Turns out we were shopping for hours-- like five hours. I understand why he was kind of freaking out, but there is no reason for him to trash the house and his office because Maddie didn't pick up the phone. 

We pulled up to the house and parked in the driveway, but before I could even grab the handle, Gavin gripped my arm. I tried to shake it away but all it did was get tighter. I slowly looked at him and told him to remove his hands or else I would cut him. Now, when I said that to him I also threatened a set of jewels no man can be without, and when I did, he still didn't let go. 

"Just so you know, he sent me texts and called me too."

I rolled my eyes at his stupidness, why is that so goddamn important that he had to stop me now, when I could be yelling at Stephan. It usually takes a lot to physically hurt me, but once I stopped training, I started bruising very easily. I could already see the purple and blue marks forming on my arm when Gavin had held me. I don't really care because it's not like he meant it. 

I grabbed all my shopping bags and slid my new phone into my back pocket, and made my way upstairs. With every step I took, more and more noise came into contact with my ears. Loud bangs and glass shattering was what I expected, but what I didn't expect, was the even louder cussing and yelling in Italian.

I dropped my bags on the steps and ran to his office with my heart filled with guilt. To think I would be able to yell at him at a time like this, that's like a lion trainer hanging a piece of meat over a loins head all day, then pulling it away when it's lunchtime. If that makes any sense.

I quickly twisted the door knob and flung open the door. I was quick to duck as a glass vase was aimed right for my head, but when Stephan's brain recognized me, his shouting stopped, and everyone let go of the body parts they were trying to hold down, key word trying. John was holding a leg, while Gio and Enzo were holding both of Stephan's arms, trying to prevent him from breaking anything else. 

Stephan ran up and engulfed me in a bear hug. I hugged him back, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I never, ever cry because when I was younger, I was not allowed too, and if I did, I would get slapped.

Seeing Stephan in this state of mind after I have been gone for five hours, it shows me that he cares. It's helping me see what he see's. This is helping me see how his love is destructive. His love for me is too much, and when I don't reciprocate the feelings, he's hurt. 

"I love you Stephan," I sniffled.

"I love you more, but what is that?" His brows furrowed.

Way to ruin the moment you goofball, "what's what?"

He grabbed my wrist and held my arm up, he pulled up my short sleeves revealing four long, purple marks, and one short one.

"Oh, that..." I trailed off, "well, Gavin and I were messing around and-"

"You did this?" Stephan all but yelled at Gavin who was, mind you, three feet away.

"Dude, I didn't mean too. Chill."

Dear god, out of all the English words Gavin knows, he had to pick those words. You have got be shitting me.

After letting that sink in for a second or two, all hell broke loose, and World War III started.


Hey guys, I know it's been a month but I have been totally overwhelmed with school work. Finally school is coming to an end and in two weeks I'll be done. I really love writing so I decided to take a creative writing class to hopefully improve my writing skills so take that into consideration if this chapter is a little different. 

Talking more about school, I know this year has been incredibly difficult for many students and teachers. This year was challenging physically as well as mentally. I personally know how easy it is to not notice your mental health declining, and I understand. If anyone ever needs any help, or you know anyone who needs help, don't be scared to ask. This community was created to help others, so please never hesitate to reach out.

I want to sincerely thank you all for the continuous support you have shown me over the past eight months. I can't believe it's been this long. I love each and everyone one of you very dearly and I appreciate you.  

I can't wait for you guys to see the next couple of chapters! I've been working on them for a while and I'm waiting for them to be perfect for you guys. 

Thank you again and gotta blast!


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