Chapter 20

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I woke up from a groggy sleep and my head pounding, what the fuck happened? I moved my arms but there was a great deal of weight hold them down. I opened my crusted eyes and saw chains holding my arms and rope digging into the exposed sin of my ankles. Ok, what the actual fuck.

The last thing I remember was Stephan asking me about the yellow sticky note, then I'm blank. 

I looked around the room I'm in and all that was around me are black stone walls and wet floors. The door opened and a bottle of water was thrown in. The sound of the door slamming shut and muffled talking was what snapped me out of my daze. This is really happening. 

I listened closely for any sort of information I could hear.

"Dites au patron qu'elle est réveillée et qu'elle ne sait rien. Elle n'a pas l'air Française, doc c'était en clair." (Tell boss she's awake and she knows nothing. She dosent look french so were in the clear.)

Fools. Actual idiots. 

The "boss" opened the door and slammed it shut.

"Who are you?" He spoke, his French accent thick.

I didn't respond until he took out a pocket knife and jammed it into my knee. Ow.

"Who are you?"

"Amelia Ruth"

"Who are you, really!"

"My name is Amelia Ruth, please don't kill me!" I had to act the part and think later.

He grunted and ripped the knife out of my knee and threw to against the wall of my cell, which I presume is under ground thanks to the literals dirt on the ground, and the fact that it is freezing cold. I wall my back is against in cold, too cold for the winter time in any country, besides I guess Antartica. 

He slammed the door shut obviously unhappy. As soon as I thought the coast was clear, I reached for the knife. It's not like I haven't been interrogated before, I have done this on many occasions, the real deal, and in training.

As soon as my hand touches the knife, I grip it hardly and pull it to my body. I quickly and painfully might I add, twist my body so my feet are near my hands. Why have I worn the same shoes everyday for the past ten years, well I keep my alias's documents in the soul of my shoe. I quickly used the knife to undo a virtually naked to the eye screw and Sid the end of my heel to the side. I grabbed the license the stuffed it in my pants pocket and screwed the shoe back together. I paused and took a look at the door, then at my surroundings before cutting the rope and loosely put it around my ankles. I also used the knife to unscrew the bots on the wall holding my arm chains up. I managed to get one cuff undone as well before the door was slammed open.

Not the boss. The young man walked over to me and he leaned over me caressing my cheek. Disgusted I moved my face from his hand, which causes him to grip my jaw hardly. I reached my arms up to his face at the speed of light and pushed him down and I straddled him. I used my left arm to grab the side of his face and my right arm to grip the back of his head, and I used all my weight to snap his head to the left. He's dead, now I have to get the guard at my door. 

I searched his body for anything that would be useful to me. He had a gun, which I shoved in the back of my pants, and he had a pocket knife. I searched around his neck and yanked his necklace off. I used the key on it to unlock my other cuffed hand, and I stuck the necklace around my own neck. I put the knife in the sock of my right ankle. I took the gun in hand and held it expertly, pointing the tip down.

I crept up to the door, and pulled it open quickly. I aimed my gun at the guards center mass as he turned to me. His hands shot up in a defensive position. 

"How the hell did you get out?" He yelled.

"Shut the fuck up! I know you have a gun in the holster on your left hip, and you have a knife in your back pocket. Put them both on the ground, now."

He did as told and kicked them to me. Without taking my eyes off of him, I grabbed his gun and put it in the back of my pants. I had him turn around with his hands on his bald head. I walked up to him and hit the side of his head with the butt of my gun. He's out cold for at least three hours.

I made my way down the dingy hallway and found myself at a set of stairs. I pulled the hair tie out of my hair and I pulled all my hair into a sleek pony tail, I have to try to fit in right? I ran back to the guard I knocked out and pulled off his leather jacket. He is so small, he's probably a newbie. I threw on his jacket and took off the holster he had. it's a bit odd that it's on the left side but I can shoot with both hands.

I worked my way back to the stairs and I walked up them trying to act as casual as possible. I haven't done this in a long time, I'm a bit rusty. Once I reached the top of the stairs I opened the door and walked out swiftly. 

A man walked up to me and said, "Que fais-tu?" (What are you doing?)

"Je parlais à" I couldn't remember then mans name, "Jason, maintenant je cherche les clés de voiture." (I was talking to...Jason, now I'm looking for the keys.)

The man looked me up and down, "suis-moi." (follow me.)

I followed the man to the garage and he unlocked a set of keys for me.

"Combien de temps serez-vous parti?" (How long will you be gone?)

"Pas longtemps, peut-être une heur." (Not long, maybe an hour.)

"D'accord l'avez-vous enregistré?" (Ok, did you log it?)

"J'allais quand je reviens, je suis un peau pressé" (I was going to when I get back, I'm sort of in a rush.)

"ok, ok, ici" He motioned to the keys. (Ok, ok, here.)

"Merci..." (Thank you...)

"Jack, mademoiselle." (Jack, ma'am.) 

I thanked him again and grabbed the first set of keys on the hook. I walked into the garage and clicked the unlock button. A white Range Rover lit up and I walked to it. I recognized the license plate as a French one, and hopped in the car. I turned it on and backed out. I pulled out to the left side of the road and made my way to the nearest mall. 

After getting lost a few times I made it to a mall. I locked my car and walked through the parking lot and into the mall. As soon as I walked in, the apple store was right in front of me. I walked in and made my up to an associate.

"Excuse-moi, puis-je acheter un téléphone? Un iPhone 6 s'il vous plaît?"

"Bien sûr, c'est environ 400 euros, n'est-ce pas?" he said.

"Ouais, parfait!"

He walked to the back, grabbed my phone and came back. I gave him the money, in cash, and he gave me my new phone. I walked away while quickly unwrapping the plastic, grabbing the phone and charger, and throwing out the box.

I rushed back to the car and quickly set up my phone, not bothering to set up any of my information. 

I dialed the only number I knew by heart.

"Salut?" (hello?)


Hey guys! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger haha!! I absolutely love your guys support and I appreciate all the comments and I even try to reply to some of them!! I'm trying my best to balance school and writing this awesome book for you guys! I have been thinking about writing another one too. I have a few ideas but I definitely want to finish this one first! We have reached chapter twenty so that means only about twenty more chapters to go! This book has definitely been a huge milestone for me, and I'm really glad to have all the support I have. Every time I look at my book, more and more people from all over the world have read it. It is the most amazing feeling! So if you have been thinking about writing a book, this is your sign to do it! It really changes your life! I know this book is a little basic, but I have the most fun writing it! I can't wait for what's in store for next chapter! Also a little news from me, I get my braces off soon and I'm super excited! Just thought I'd let you know! Gotta blast!


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