Chapter 9

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Ever since yesterdays little situation in the car, Stephan has taken his eyes off me. He is constantly next to me, touching me, hooding my hand, holding onto my belt loops, it's getting out of control. He is always bugging me about every little thing that happens, and I understand he is just trying to make sure I am comfortable but it's getting annoying. I have never been the clingy type but he's always hanging onto me like a fucking koala. 

"Hey babe, you've been in there for like 20 minutes, are you ok?" Stephan knocked on the bathroom door.

"It's been 5 minutes Stephan. Stop bugging me. I am trying to get some privacy."

"Why? What are you doing in there?" I didn't respond because I really just want to take a bath in peace, "Hello? mia principessa, mia amore, tesoro-" [princess, my love, sweetheart]

I put on my robe and opened there door to see Stephan leaning on the door frame, "What can I do for you"

"Well I just wanted to see what you were doing. Can I come in?" before I could respond, he pushed past me and into the bathroom.

I am still facing the now open door trying to calm myself down. As soo as I turn around, I see Stephan holding his arm up, and hanging from his finger was my underwear, my fucking thong to be specific. 

I ran up to him and tried to snatch them away from him, key word their tried. 

He held them up higher and higher until I couldn't even jump to reach them.

"Why don't you wear this for me? Why were you wearing this? Who was going to see them?" Stephan seemed enraged at this point.

As his arm lowered I snatched them away, "Not that it's any of your business but I t like the only underwear I have. And I was wearing leggings, what did you expect me to wear?"

It was my turn to be enraged now. He is totally invading my privacy. How rude!

"Well, let's go shopping then" Stephan suggested. 

"No! besides I have to go home tonight anyway" I mumbled the last part.

"Well I can just drop you off at Jasons house after we go shopping" He said looking a bit confused.

"No, I mean I have to go home home, to my house" 

"Oh I can drop you off there too, I'm sure it's not too far from Jason's house, you seem to walk there a lot. I can meet your parents while I'm there." 

"NO! Just drop me off at Jason's house and I will walk to my house. You are never going to meet my parents. I'm going to change, pack my shit and go home. Please just move out of my way."

I am so annoyed right now, and I know I will get the beating of a lifetime tonight. I haven't been home in probably a week and I usually go at the end of the week, and in the middle of the week. I have to give my parents money so they can pay the bills and buy more drugs and alcohol. Stephans eyes were looking at me suspiciously. He knew something was up, so I had to make him think everything was fine.

I leaned up and gave him a kiss quickly, and gave the best fake smile I could. I'm not sure why I am getting annoyed so easily but I think I'm PMSing. Now I think my period is going to start any moment now, and I don't want Stephan to see it. I quickly ran out fo the bathroom and threw on some new granny underwear just incase, and I went to grab a tampon, but my box was completely empty.


"Yes baby? Are you hurt? What's happening?" Stephan sounded worried

"Nothing is the matter, do you have any sisters?"

"No I don't, open the door and let me in so I can see that you're ok!"

"No Stephan, I am changing." I ended our conversation with that, but I could tell he was leaning his ear against the door. 

I quickly changed and opened the door and I assumed correctly, he fell right on top of me. As soon as I sat up, I could feel it coming. My period was here, and there was no stoping it. If you ask anyone fo my brothers, or Jason, I am a total monster when it's my week. I stood up quickly and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I ran to the toilet and pulled down my pants, only a speck of blood, thank you sweet baby Jesus!

I quickly fixed myself the best I could and washed my hands. I am surprised that Stephan isn't come pounding on the door yet. I opened the door and went to the walk in closet I kept my bag in. There was Stephan holding my mother fucking thong again. I stomped over there and he looked like a deer in headlights. I went for them but he was too quick and put them on top of a shelf that was taller than me. You have got to be shitting me right now. 

"You know what, I don't even care. I need you to take me to the store right now, and then home-Jasons! Take me to the store, then to Jasons. Please."

"Ok babe, calm down. You better not be wearing one of those shoestrings you were wearing before"

I gave him a look and he shrugged. I quickly gathered my bag and completely forgot about my underwear. Stephan and I walked down to the garage and hoped in the car. This man has white leather seat covers for pete's sake. Lord help me. I sat down in the car and buckled my belt. Stephan ran around to the other side and did the same. We sped off to the store and I prayed that I did not bleed onto his seats.


We soon arrived to the store and I didn't even wait for Stephan to open the door for me. I sprinted into the store limping because of my cramps and headed for the feminine products. I grabbed the first box of tampons I saw, and grabbed some Advil on the way to the checkout. I saw a bag of chocolate on the way as well but I still am trying to lose weight. I said fuck the chocolate and ran to the cashier. I was quick to pay and ran to the bathroom to do what I needed to do. 

Once I was done, I walked back tot he car and saw Stephan leaning against the hood of the car. He did not look happy. I made my way up to him and he grabbed my was it and brought me to him. He nuzzled his face into my neck; we stood there for a little while until he brought my head up to kiss him. I knew he was mad that I just ran away like that so I just kissed him back. he's finally not hovering over me anymore.

I sighed into the kiss and he grunted. We continued kissing until I pulled away. He grabbed my face and said,

"Non allontanarti mai da me, mai" [Never pull away from me, ever].

I looked at him confused, "Capisci tesoro?" he said looking at me [understand darling]

Once again, I stared at him in confusion. He kissed me again, and the again. He pushed my jaw out of his hands and opened my door for me. I got in and buckled up. He did the same and drove off the Jasons house. 

As soon as we got in the driveway, Stephan unbuckled by belt for me. Odd, but ok. He then pulled me over the center consul, and somehow we were back in the same position as last time. He pulled my crop top down harshly, which exposed the bra I was wearing. It was just a black bra, which I regret now that I think about it. He kissed, and sucked the tops of my breasts. After he left his marks, he pulled my shirt up, then back down, then up again until he was satisfied. He was trying to cover my cleavage and my stomach. (outfit in media box).

We both got out of the car and walked to the front door. There was a sound crash from inside the house; this caused Stephan to shove me behind him, and he reached under his jacket and pulled out a gun.


hey guys!!!!! a little cliffhanger I know hahah butttttt we now have 180 reads! this is insane you all are so amazing. a big thank you to my first commenter! she gave me some advise on writing my translations. i will now just put the translation in brackets instead of writing out "literal translation" every time. i love to see those kinds of comments! once again thank you for your endless support, and constructive criticism is always welcome!! gotta blast!


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