Chapter 26

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After Stephan asked the dumbest question of all kind, we ate breakfast at 9:00am. After eating and cleaning, we headed out to Gio's truck; a fiery, red dodge ram. All the guys aside from Jason loaded the bags into the back of the truck. There are only five seats so we had to squish in: I made Stephan sit in the front with Gio, I sat on Enzo's lap, Maddie sat on Gavin's, and Jason got the middle seat in-between us. 

We have been driving for about ten minutes, and all of a sudden Maddie leaned over the consul and turned the radio down.

"Let's tell stories!" Maddie said leaning back.

"I have some good ones about Kelly," Gio started, "one time, when Kelly was nine, we wen't mudding with dad. After we were done and home, Enzo grabbed Kelly and threw her on the trampoline that used to be there. She bounced so high and flew off, then she knocked her two front teeth out. The best part is, is that she already had her adult teeth, so she had to get new ones put into her gums!"

Enzo grumbled at Gio's story while everyone except Stephan laughed their asses off. Enzo has always felt bad about that and I swear he's never gotten over it. Every time Gio brings it up, Enzo offers to take me shopping or get me ice cream. 

"That's not funny G" Enzo gritted out.

After everyones laughter died down Maddie spoke up, "I have a good one about Kelly, too."

"Oh god" I sighed.

"Right after I met Kelly and she moved in with us, I showed her our pool. I guess she'd never been in one, so when I threw her in, she started drowning. I had to pull her out and was about to give her mouth to mouth when she opened her eyes and started laughing at me."

"Yeah Mads, I wasn't going to let you kiss me!" I smiled.

Our conversation went on just like, basically everyone making fun of me. It was an eighteen hour trip to Minnesota, so a lot of stories were told. Everyone contributed- except Stephan of course. Not that I expected him to, but I would have appreciated it. But, eventually I fell asleep along with Jason, Maddie and Gavin.


"Wake up, Kelly" Enzo shook me.

I peeled open my eyes and rubbed them to remove any left over sleepiness. I unfolded myself from the ball I formed with my body and got out of the car. I stretched my arms and legs out while yawning. 

I made my way up the driveway and admired the house. It was basically made from stone and there are two huge spiral staircases coming down from doors on the upper floor. And of course, there was a massive blue pool lit up with lights all around it.

I immediately ran up to the grass near the pool and laid down. I kicked my shoes off and rubbed my feet into the dirt. I looked around to see Stephan walking towards me. Once he reached me, he looked over and smirked. I smiled and lifted both of my arms for him to pull me up. 

I grabbed my shoes and threw them onto the doormat and headed inside. The inside defiantly tops the outside. Everything is lit up with orangey-yellow lights and the inside is a mix of modern  and victorian furniture. It's an odd combination, but it somehow works. The more I looked, the more I fell in love. 

For being September, it's quite warm. I packed basically only warm clothes with a few pairs of spandex shorts and some short sleeve shirts.

I walked into living room to see everyone watching a movie with pool clothes on. 

How long was I out? Whatever.

"Let's put on our swimsuits, yeah?"

I nodded and followed Stephan up to our new room.

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