Chapter 13

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We all slept at the mansion last night and I got up early to make breakfast for everyone. I made Stephan sleep on the floor while I got his bed. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I brush my hair and teeth and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Opening the fridge everything was in Italian. Literally everything, even the damn eggs.

I grabbed the eggs, taylor ham, curtesy of me, cheese, and the bagels. I cut the bagels and put them in the toaster. I cut the Taylor ham into slices and got a pan. I heated up the pan and threw some butter on, and the Taylor ham. I let it cook a little bit them flipped them and put the cheese on. The bagels popped out of the toaster and I put them on some plates. The cheese was melted so I put the meat on the bagels and cooked some eggs. Once they were done I placed them onto of the Taylor ham. I cut them all in half and put them in front of each stool.

"AHHHHH" I screamed, that will get them awake.

The first one through the door was Stephan, figures. Then Jason, Enzo and Gio came in shirtless and sleepy, frantically looking around.

I stood there smiling and said "Breakfast is ready!"

Jason came up to me and smacked the back of my head. Stephan pulled me onto his lap and everyone sat down and dug in. This was the first time Stephan is trying taylor ham. He looked at suspiciously and took a bite.

We all watched him carefully as he chewed the sandwich. He looked over at us and nodded his head, then took another big bite.

We all finished after about 10 minuets, and Stephan told us he wanted to talk to us in his office. We walked in sets of two; Gio and Enzo, Jason and I, then Stephan. Stephan walked us up the now familiar steps and almost easy zigzag passage way to his office. He opened the doors and let us in.

Gio and Jason took the two chairs infant of Stephan's desk, Enzo stood up, and Stephan dragged me to his chair and sat me on top of him.

"So, my team and I are still working out a fool-proof plan, I think it would be best if you all moved in to this house..." Stephan blurted out

"I have two more weeks of liberty, then I have to head out onto my new destroyer in Quantico." Ezno said

Gio and Jason looked at me and then each other and nodded their heads. I looked up at Stephan to see him staring at me already. I nodded my head, if it will keep me and everyone safer, it's better.

"Alright" Stephan clapped his hands together, "let's go to Jason's house and get packing. Where do you have to go Gio?"

"Oh, I am staying at Jason's house too so we just have to go there" Gio responded.

Stephan nodded and dismissed the boys. He turned me around so I has facing him in a straddling position. He leaned in a kissed me slowly.

His genteelness didn't last for long because before I knew it I was pinned onto the desk with Stephan on top of me. He was kissing me roughly and leaving marks on my neck and cleavage. he was groping my breasts, and my butt while I was running my hands under his shirt and feeling his abs.

Stephan all of a sudden pushed his growing member onto my crotch. We have all our clothes on but that didn't stop the wave a pleasure that hit me like brick wall; I moaned really loud. Stephan undid his belt and pulled down his pants. His pulled down my pants down but left my panties on. He pulled me up from his desk and sat me down onto his hard dick. His boxers were on but the pleasure just kept increasing.

He started rocking me back and forth, then side to side, and after while a knot started to form inside my stomach. His hip started to buck and meet with mine and he moved my hips faster and faster until I came undone on his boxers. A few seconds later he came undone in his boxers and the only noise that was heard was our heavy breathing.

Stephan kissed me a few more times then let me stand up and walk to his attached bathroom. Stephan soon followed after with a nice pair of washed blue jeans, a light pink knitted sweater, new underwear, a new bra, a pair of white ankle socks, and my pastel pink healed boots (outfit in media box).

Stephan brought himself a similar outfit, but his sweater was navy blue and he wore black boots. Stephan placed our clothes on the counter and helped me undress silently.

We both hopped in the shower, and no, we did not do any funny business. I was a little shy at first just because I have never been fully naked in front of a man before but Stephan makes me feel protected. He has this overwhelming domination aurora around him when you first met him, but I can see right through him that his a big teddy bear.

After our shower we went dried off and out on out outfits.

"Wait here Stephan, I want to take a picture of us!" I said holding my hands in a stopping motion

He rolled his eyes and I ran pout of the bathroom, out of the office and down the hall to Stephan's room. I quickly grabbed my phone that was on the charger and ran all the way back up the hall and through the office to the bathroom.

Out of breath I opened up my snapchat and sucked in my stomach and smiled and took a picture. I started breathing normally again and captioned it 'with bae'.

Stephan took my phone and looked at all the people I have on snapchat.

"What is snap-chat?"

"Well it's an app where you can take a picture, which is called a snap, and send it to a person who does the same thing. You can text, make group chats and post on your story or privet story."

"Do you even know these people?"

"Some of them"

"What tha fuck-"

"Oh stop being so old Stephy; give me my damn phone back"

"Hey?? I am only 25!"

"That's 7 years older than me. You're such an old man"

Stephan grabbed my by the neck and pushed me up against the bathroom door,

"nessun ragazzino può farti sentire come me" (no little boy can make you feel the way I do).


Hey guys! I just want to start off by thanking you for 1.5k readers!!! I haven't had time at all to post because of school and I have been hanging out with my friends this entire weekend. I hate online school, how do they expect us to learn math over a computer? I will never know. Well, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and of course, I am open to any suggestions and constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks guys!! I will try and post again tonight! Gotta blast!


Possessionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें