Chapter 29

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I woke up to the worst headache I have ever had in my life, alcohol and I are no longer friends. I felt the bile rise up my throat and I ran to the bathroom. I quickly opened the toilet and felt all the vomit come up my throat and into the bowl. I guess I woke up Stephan, and he came in the bathroom with me to hold my hair up. After I was done I brushed my teeth, and Stephan helped me back to our bed.

"Stephan, let go of me! I'm not dying!" I groaned. 

"Sorry sweetheart, I know how bad hangovers are" He responded, letting go of my arm.

"No, I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just tired."

"It's ok, mio amore."

Stephan gave me two white pills and a glass of water, but I quickly handed them back to him.

"I don't do pills, Stephy."

After I bushed my hair and teeth for the second time, I threw on new underwear, no bra, a tank top, and some loose sweatpants rolled at the waist. Stephan had changed into black sweatpants and a sweatshirt after brushing his teeth. We made our way downstairs, and when I say I wish I hadn't gotten up, I mean it. 

The living room was destroyed, covered in used shot glasses, empty alcohol bottles, and half drunk bottles of Mikes Hard. I quickly went for the trash bags while Stephan went to his home office to catch up on paperwork. I threw out basically everything that looked used: shot glasses, plastic red cups, empty plastic bottles. I dumped out everything that was half empty besides the hard liquor.

Once the place was rid of trash, I started straightening out the pillows of the couch, folding blankets and putting away anything that was out of place. I decided to make everyone breakfast, so I got out the carton of eggs, bacon, and a few pieces of toast. I fried twelve eggs, six pieces of toast, and a whole pound of bacon. I also chopped up some strawberries, put them in a bowl, and put a few tablespoons of sugar and water. I set out everyone's plates and once 09:00 hit, everyone piled in one by one. 

Each person got a plate of food, while I brought a plate to Stephan. I knocked on his door and opened it after hearing a soft 'enter'. I placed the plate on Stephan's desk and sat on his lap as he talked on the phone. Stephan leaned up to kiss me while feeding me a piece of strawberry. I kissed his cheek and tried to stand up, only to be stopped by his arm snaking around my waist. 

After Stephan was off the phone, he turned me around so I was straddling him. 

"Thank you for breakfast bambina," He said, popping a piece of bacon in his mouth.

I smiled, "you're welcome."

We continued to eat our breakfast in a comfortable silence while he did some paperwork on his computer. He also signed a few documents and placed them in an envelope to be sent out in the mail. 

"Hey Stephan?" I asked.


"Can I go shopping today?"

"Sure, I'll go with you later." Stephan said while typing on his computer.

I nodded, "alright, but I am going to pay for my stuff, no arguing."

Stephan tried to tell me no, but I kissed him to shut him up. After our mini make out session, I departed from his office telling him to come downstairs when he's ready for lunch. The whole reason I want to go shopping is so I can get a new phone. I guess I dropped my phone in the pool because this morning when I was getting ready, I picked it up and tried to open it with no avail. Oddly enough, I smelled it and it smelled like a chlorine tab. 

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