Chapter 21

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"Salut! Maddie! Maddie, it's me. Kelly!"


"Oui!" (yes)

"Kelly oh my god, I thought I would never speak to you again! Kelly, I've missed you so much! How did you get my number? This is my old number, I just forwarded all my calls from this number to my new one."

"Um, how do you know so much English?"

"Oh, my father makes me study every night. You should visit me! That would be so fun, we could go to the beach everyday and swim in inny beany bikinis!"

"Kelly, its itty bitty, not inny beany. But before we get to that I'm actually here! In France right now, but I need to ask a favor. Do you think I could crash at your place for a bit? I'm not sure if you live in the same place."

"Oh my god! You're here? Of course you can come, mother and father will be delighted that you're visiting. You are visiting aren't you?"

"I can't really discuss this over an unsecured line, I'll explain everything when I'm home, ok?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll text you my address."

"No need, your father screwed it into my head."

"Ok, well, I guess I'll see you here!"

"Yup, I'll be there in probably an hour."

"Alright, bye!"


I hung up and shoved my phone into my pocket. I quickly punched in the address and started on my way. I drowned my worries in some of my favorite songs: Sunday Best, Best Song Ever, Story Of My Life and other songs mostly by One Direction.

After I got lost on a stupid traffic circle, but once I figured it out I had no other problems. I pulled into the long, familiar driveway, and I stopped at the check-in point.

"Bonjour, quel est votre nom et votre lieu de travail?" (Hello, what is your name and your place of business?)

"Sammy! C'est moi, Kelly!" (Sammy! It's me, Kelly!)

"Kelly? Kelly Gibbs? Oh mon dieu! Je ne t'ai pas vu depuis si longtemps! Entrez!" the old man said. (Kelly? Kelly Gibbs? Oh my god! I haven't seen you in so long! Go right in!)

I thanked my old friend, Sammy and continued through the gates. I parked in my usual spot with butterflies painted on the pavement which Maddie and I created when we were eight. Her father told us to paint our own car slots so no one would park in them. Maddie and I's favorite animals were butterflies, ironically, I'm scared to death of them now.

I quickly parked my car and hopped out. I ran up to the garage and put in the passcode, Maddie's birthday. The garage opened to reveal two young guys and a young boy. 

"C'est quel ce bordel? Comment a-t-elle ouvert ça? Je ne connais même pas le mot de passe." the cute boy said. (What the fuck? How did she open that up? I live here and I don't know the password.)

"J'habitais ici. Je cherche Charles et Jacqueline; et Maddie bien sûr." I chuckled at the end. (I used to live here. I am looking for Charles and Jacqueline; and Maddie of course.)

"Hé! Vous ne pouvez pas manquer de respect au patron comme ça! Je te tuerai si tu ne me dis pas qui tu es! Vous êtes probablement l'ennemi qui parle du boss comme ça! "

(Hey! You can't disrespect the boss like that! I will kill you if you don't tell me who you are! You're probably the enemy talking about the boss like that!)

"Listen here you little shit, you can't do anything to me! I have been trained by the best of your team before you were a twinkle in your mother's eye! You hear you big bozzo?" I yelled.

He looked at me in confusion and then towards the man sitting in a chair. The man rose and said "I know Kelly Gibbs when I see her. Ain't nobody a spitfire like her."

I was confused at first but then it clicked and I chuckled, "Gavin Martin."

I ran over and gave him a hug with tears welling up in my eyes, he was the only person who I trusted enough to walk anywhere with. He always was up for a walk in the park, a run at the gym, a softball game, anything really. I missed him a lot.

"When did you learn so much English?" I punched his shoulders and wiped my tears.

"I learned when I was in Georgia studying" he said.

"You little snake, I studied at Georgia state too; virtually of course. Mom and dad would have never let me out of their sight." 

He sighed and nodded his head in agreement, "How are you here then?"

"They're dead."

"Oh, Kelly I am so sorry." he hugged me again.

"It ok, really."

We hugged for a few more seconds before he offered to bring me to Maddie. I greedily shook my head yes and took his arm and he led the way. He brought me through the very familiar house, except now things looked bit more fancy, and a bit more classy. Some new paintings were hung up and maybe a new sofa. I remember the last time I was here, we begged Charles to get us a dog, a golden retriever we named Gavy. Gavy was short for Gavin, and Maddie's older brother. He couldn't resist when we gave him our puppy eyes, and horribly made cookies. Gavy continued to chew on the couch like it was his favorite toy. They went through countless sofas in just the time I was there; I wonder how many more they went through.

Gavin and I finally arrived at the same white door with the same golden engravings I would always trace with my fingers.

Madison Martin

Yet now the only difference from oh so long ago, was the black marker that used to be right below Maddie's name. What was once my horrible, nine year old selfs handwriting, was now in beautiful, golden script.

Kelly Gibbs

More tears welled in my eyes as I knocked on the door.

"A venir!" someone said lightly from the opposite side of the door. 

The golden knob twisted and my stomach jumped in pure joy when I saw the flawless face I have been dying to see for the past ten years.

"Quoi-" she paused, "Kelly."


Hey guys, this chapter is a bit shorter then I would have liked it but I really like the ending! This is kind of just a filler but next chapter will be jam-packed with action! I hope you all are enjoying the book as much as I am! Feel free to let me know if I have an error anywhere or if I messed something up!

I was thinking about having a question of the chapter, a QOTC for short. What do you guys think?

QOTC: What';s your favorite Netflix show? 

Mine is NCIS but I'm currently watching Grey's Anatomy (please no spoilers, I'm only on season 2, episode 1!!!)

Anywho, thank you for your endless support, it means a lot to me! Gotta blast!


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