Chapter 24

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"Not gonna happen," I shook my head, "now way."

Stephan gave me the puppy dog eyes and I caved. I walked over to him, and he looked just like a kid in a candy store. Laughing, I straddled his waist.

He pulled my flaming lips to his ice cold ones and we created steam. It's like while I was out, my body was craving for Stephan and I didn't know. Every single thing he does seems to turn me on. All he was to do is take off his shirt and I'm ready to pounce on him. 

As Stephan is kissing me, it gives me a little time to think about our relationship and how it has grown in the short time we've known each other. Our relationship reminds me of Pansies. Pansies are flowers that are at their best during the wintertime. Stephan and I seem to flourish when we're stuck in the middle of something tragic. 

As bad as it sounds, I actually think it's a good thing. I think it's a sign of two people who refuse to let their surrounding effect them in a negative way. It's a sign of a relationship that's meant to be.

For the little amount of time I've known Stephan, I have realized he's my person, my better half and the love of my life. He's my soulmate.

I warped back into reality when Stephan rubbed the pad of his finger under my eye.

"Why are you crying, principessa?" 

I stayed silent for a while, "I just love you so much, I can't help but cry."

Stephan pulled my into his bare chest, "I love you too, Kelly."


I woke up the next morning and basked in the sunlight, reflecting on what happened last night. Stephan and I finally made love. After round one, Stephan was rough, and I sort of like it. What I didn't tell him was that it was my first time since that night with Daniel; when he raped me. I'm sure if I told him that, it would have ruined the mood, so I decided against it.

I turned around to face Stephan's bare chest. With the tip of my finger, I traced the swirls of ink that was littered on his skin. This seemed to have startled him, so he grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me under him. 

"Good morning," I said.

"Morning." Stephan sighed, releasing himself from the plank position he was in. 

"Let's get up for breakfast, yeah? I'll cook." 

Stephan nodded and pulled himself and I out of bed. We walked to the bathroom together and locked the door. Stephan stripped out of his boxers, and hopped in the shower. I just brushed my long hair and threw it up into a messy bun. I brushed my teeth real quick, and I applied some deodorant. I left the bathroom, making sure to lock it behind me. 

In the kitchen, I pulled what I need for pancakes, eggs and bacon. It's 08:17, so I should have about forty-five minutes before everyone is awake. 

I started with the pancakes first. I measured out my flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla, baking powder, butter, and milk. I whisked my dry ingredient, and slowly added my wets. Once my batter was homogenous, I added my secret ingredient: sprinkles. Trust me, it's amazing.

I greased my griddle and poured out equal sized circles. After the bibles formed and popped at the top of the pancake, I flipped them. I repeated my cycle until there was no batter left.

After the pancakes were done, I quickly made some scrambled eggs by mixing the eggs, milk, slat and pepper in a bowl. I poured it all onto the flat top and started mixing them up. Once the yolks weren't runny, I placed them on a plate and set them next to the pancakes. 

Lastly, I made the bacon. I hate making bacon because no matter how hard I try, I always burn myself. So, ever so carefully, I laid my bacon out onto the griddle, hoping nothing would pop up and burn me. Lucky, I didn't receive any burns. Although, as I was laying my second round of bacon on the griddle, I burned my hand on the grease that splattered up.

I quickly wiped off the grease, and stuck my hand under cool water. I ultimately ignored it and continued making the bacon. After it was all done, I placed it next to the eggs. 

As if on cue, Gio and Lorenzo made their way down the stairs. Every single day, they both come down to the kitchen at exactly 09:00. They have never missed a beat; they also say it's a coincidence but I swear they plan it out.

Almost a minute later, Jason comes rushing in yelling, "I'm not late, I'm not late!"

We all had our small fit of laugher and waited for Stephan. At 09:02, Stephan finally graced us with his presence.

"Took you long enough," Enzo joked.

"What do you mean?" Stephan cocked his head to the side.

"Everyday, we meet in the kitchen at exactly 09:00. No one is ever late, except for you. And Jason."

"I was not late!" Jason butted in.

"You people are weird," Stephan shook his head.

We all gathered our food, all the boy piling their plates as high as they could, and we took a seat in the dining room. That's another weird thing we do; we sit in the dining room for every meal. Usually, the dining room was reserved for when we had guests over, or it was a holiday.


It's now 05:00, and Stephan had us all meet in the living room for a 'meeting'.

"Ok, so I've brought us all here because it is time for us to move. Don't be alarmed, we are not compromised, but it's best if every week or so, we move our location to a different safe house. The safe house we are moving to is in Minnesota, so expect a lot of snow." Stephan said.

"Minnesota? C'mon man! They get worse snow then Jersey, and that saying something!" Gio complained.

"I think it will be fun," Jason said while scooting closer to Gio, "We'll be cuddling up by the fire, and sipping hot coco!" 

"Uh-huh. Right man."


Hey guys! I uploaded last night, and I plan on getting another upload in tonight but I'm not sure. I want to enter in the elf challenge thing on here. You create a 500 word or less story about why a special person in your life is fierce.

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it was sort of just a filler and I hope you guys got to understand a little bit about Stephen and Kelly's relationship. As always, feel free to let me know of anything I can fix or work on. And do let me know if you guys want a character chart, because I don't want anyone to be confused. Gotta Blast!!!!


p.s. thank you guys for 75,000 reads!

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