Chapter 5

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"It's Jason, not Jaden" Jason butted in

I elbowed him in the ribs. 

"Hi, Stephan! You look handsome" I complimented him

"you look beautiful as always sweetheart" He handed my a bouquet of dark red roses

I smiled and invited him in so I could put the roses in a vase. I basically live with Jason ever since him and his family found out that my father was abusive. I go home sometimes but, not that often. I have clothes here and I always leave money for his parents. I placed the flowers in a vase with some water.

"Let's go" Stephan said

I nodded and grabbed his elbow. He led us to his car and he opened the door for me. I got in and buckled my seatbelt. He got in and buckled his seatbelt and drove to a fancy restaurant. We had pretty much sat in the car with a comfortable silence. Now that we are at the restaurant Stephan started talking to me. The host sat us at our table and told us that our waiter will be here soon. I thanked him, while Stephan was gripping my hand and shooting wagers at the man. Weirdo.

"So, tell me about yourself" Stephan started

"Um well, there isn't much to tell. I have two older brother, they are away at college right now. I am 17, turning 18 next month. I love dogs and I am scared to death of cats. I don't really like heights but I mean they don't bother me too bad. I hate the ocean, or lakes, or rives. I like pools tho. It's not the water I don't think, I think it's just the whole drowning, you know. Well you probably don't know because it's a stupid fear I have. Well I don't think it's stupid I kinda get it. Well I get it completely you know, because I have it." my eyes shot open, "I'm rambling, I'm sorry. Tell me about you"

He chuckled, "It's ok, I want to know things like that; why you fear the things that you fear, why things make you happy, your hobbies, your family, everything."

I smiled at him warmly, he's so adorable.

"Me? I'm adorable? No! I am a man, men aren't adorable, I'm manly" He cuffed out his chest.

I said that out loud? Well shit

"You're just so cute, look at your little cheeks" I grabbed his cheeks, only for him to slap my hand away playfully.

Our moment was interrupted by the waiter. 

"Hi, my name is Ethan, what can I get you guys started for today?"

"I'll have the house special steak, with asparagus and a coke" Stephan said sharply

"And for you, beautiful?"

"ha, um, I would like just a house salad, and water wit lemon please, thank you" I smile uncomfortably. 

"Anything beautiful!" he jokes, "Everything will be out asap"

Stephan was still shooting daggers at the man so I kicked him my foot. His head snapped to me and he rolled his eyes,

"He called you beautiful and he was staring for way too long"

"Come on Stephan, It's ok" I said, he nodded his head.

We made small talk for the rest of dinner, and me and him cracked a few jokester and there. I even came up with a nickname for him, Stephy. He seems to hate it but I love it. It's cute, like him. Woah did I just say that? I'm falling for this guy and I just met him.

"Here is your check, have a nice night you guys" Ethan said and placed the black check book down.

I reached for my wallet when Stephan grabbed my hand,

"What are you doing" he asked me

"Um I'm getting my wallet to pay" I responded slowly

"No, no, no, I will pay"

"Hey, no! You payed for my dresser and my heels, the least I can do it get dinner."

"Mia regina, finché sarai con me, non dovrai mai pagare" (Literal translation: my queen, as long as you are with me, you will never have to pay)

I looked at him totally confused, so I shrugged and let him get the bill.

After paying, Stephan walked us to the car, and opened my door for me. I thanked him and go in.  He followed and we buckled out seatbelts and he sped off back to Jason's house. 

Once we arrived at Jasons, he opened the door for me and walked me to the front door. Before I walked in Stephan grabbed my upper arm and spun me around to face him. He licked his lips and leaned in. Almost in slow motion his lips fell on top of mine.

As of the world stopped and he was the only person, I kissed him back. I have only ever been kissed once before, and that relationship didn't end well. But this kiss, there was something about it that was different than the last time I kissed a boy. He was rough yet gentle, and his lips were so soft.

When he pulled away, my lips were still burning. He kissed my cheek, then my jaw, behind my ear, and down my neck. When he found a weak spot of mine, I let a wimpier slip past my lips. 

He pushed me against the door, and sucked, hard. I kept whimpering because it felt so good. After his assault on my neck, he pulled away a gave me a sweet, short kiss on my lips.

"Now everyone will know what is mine, sugar"

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