Chapter 19- Fuck Jean (Eren's POV):

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Eren's POV:

After my frustrating encounter in the kitchen with (Y/N) and my brief conversation with Mikasa after it ended, I stayed outside of the cabin for the rest of the evening. I decided to follow a short hiking trail that allegedly led to a large oak tree with a mesmerizing view of the mountains below. When I arrived, I saw Jean sitting on the bench, quietly thinking while watching the small cars whizz up the curving mountain roads. He heard the crunching of the leaves under my feet and greeted me with a frown: "What do you want, Yeager?"

"Nothing, actually. I came here for a break myself." I cautiously sat beside him and looked at the setting sun. Jean didn't reply, so I continued talking, "Mikasa started mothering me again. I couldn't stand to be in the cabin with her anymore, so I left... Why are you here?"

"Did you hear (Y/N) and I talking in the kitchen?" he asked.

"No," I lied.

"...Oh. Well, there's no need to explain. You probably wouldn't understand anyway," he sneered. We sat a few more moments in silence.

"Did something happen?" I asked innocently.

"No," he sighed. "I refused to let anything happen. I wasn't sure if that was a road (Y/N) wanted to walk down with me."

I looked at him in confusion, "What?"

"I— We... had a moment of sorts. It's hard to explain. She fell over and when I tried to catch her, I landed on top of her and..."

"And?" I prodded.

"And it seemed like we were about to kiss. Or, at least I thought so."

"Did you?"

"No. I assumed (Y/N) didn't feel the same tension I was feeling. She was probably so red because the sudden fall had frightened her. I didn't want to push it," he sighed. "She really has no idea what she's doing to me."

"Yeah," I agreed, "I feel that."

Jean faced me and raised his eyebrow, "What?"

Shit. I shouldn't have said that.

"Yeager," he addressed me tensely, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, nothing," I kept my cool, running my hand through my hair and looking away. Jean glared at me. "I— uh. Well, I actually did hear the two of you in the kitchen and I was curious, so when you left I came downstairs to ask (Y/N) what had happened." I paused. "So I tried to fluster her enough to tell me... She denied everything of course."

"And how did you 'fluster' her exactly?" Jean asked suspiciously.

"...I pushed her up against the wall, things got a bit heated and I— well, I almost kissed her." Jean's face went scarlet. "B— but I didn't! Everyone came home before it escalated! After that I just left!"

Jean put his head in his hands and sighed, "Why would you do that? Just why, Yeager?"

"Because I knew it would piss you off if I did," I flinched, preparing for Jean's punch. He didn't move.

"I see." He stood up. The sun had finally set. "I'm heading back to the cabin. You should too."

I walked a few feet behind him on the damp dirt trail. I could see in his movements that he was conflicted, a million thoughts running through his head at once. Why should I care? It's not like I did anything wrong. Besides, nothing even happened!

"Jean," I said before we stepped inside. "I just want you to know, (Y/N) didn't do anything. Even if she had gotten the chance, I doubt she would have. So, please don't hold it against her."

He opened the door and stepped in. "I'll do whatever the fuck I want."

Jean avoided (Y/N)'s gaze for the entire warmup. I guess, despite what I had said to him, he still held this against her. The two of us didn't exchange a single word. It seemed he hated me just as much as I despised him. I decided to warm up alone, but alone for me meant alone with Mikasa. Personal space didn't exist with her.

I watched from the goal post as (Y/N) ran up to Jean and helped him off the ground. From the other side of the field I faintly heard her yelling at Floch to defend Jean. While she did so, I saw his expression change. I think he finally realized that there was no point in holding my actions against her.

When Floch responded, (Y/N)'s entire body tensed up and she boiled with rage. With his internal conflict somewhat resolved, Jean decided to make it up to (Y/N) by stepping to defend her. (Y/N) pushed his chest back before things could escalate. I couldn't explain why, but every time she touched him I seethed with indignation. Why would she go out of her way to defend a man that looks like a horse? Especially since this moron hasn't said a single word to her all day!

I spent the rest of the game sulking in goal. Suddenly, I was struck in the face with Hitch's cleat. Blood started running everywhere. I looked towards (Y/N), as if asking for help. She ignored me and instead talked to Connie and Jean, the three of them giggling as if nothing had happened. Mikasa rushed to my aid, but I pushed her away, glaring at (Y/N) until the game was over. A two to one win.

When we had walked back to the cabin, I saw (Y/N) admiring the sunset and, because I hate Jean with my entire being, I made a snide comment: "I'd say it's a nice night tonight, but Jean's here so the view isn't ideal." I wasn't sure why, but I was staring at (Y/N) when I said it.

During our game of Truth or Dare I sat quietly on the couch and kept my distance, watching Jean and (Y/N) closely. Looking at them now, it was almost as if the tension between them in the morning never existed. She had her head pressed up against his shoulder, a light blush dusting both of their faces. Their happiness together was irritating. At one point during the night, (Y/N) shot me a look of confusion, but I looked away quickly. I guess I've been staring too much.

I had beaten Jean in every fight we'd been in. My goal this year was to keep that streak going, whether that included (Y/N) or not. She would be collateral damage. But as they leaned up against each other— just a bit closer than friends should— for once, it felt like Jean was winning.

As the night wore on, Jean was finally asked by Marco to do a dare: "I dare you to kiss the last girl you touched."

Jean's face paled for a second, but he shifted himself back comfortably: "Well, it's not like anyone's gonna remember this anyway, so—"

He brought his hand up to (Y/N)'s cheek and pulled her into him by the small of her back. He admired her for a second, his eyes asking her if it was okay, and then locked their lips together. Just like he had done in the kitchen, Jean pulled away before it could get any heavier. The one thing he refused to do though, was undo his arm tied around (Y/N)'s shoulder. As they laughed awkwardly together, (Y/N) shot a glance my way. I did my best to look as uncaring as possible. Unfortunately, I don't think I was doing a very good job.

Later on we progressed to '7 Minutes in Heaven'. After Ymir fought with Sasha and the potato girl stumbled into the closet with Connie, and Annie and Armin had done their time, it was finally my turn to pick a name. I pulled out a paper and read the name. In neat, flowing handwriting read the name "Mikasa". I looked up to (Y/N) and Jean: the two were getting along too well. I decided it was time to secure my victory; I couldn't miss this opportunity to one-up Jean. I read the name aloud: "(Y/N)," I lied.

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