you're sick

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"C'mon, baby. Let's get you to bed." Soyeon spoke softly and kept her arm wrapped around you as she helped you through the front door and up the stairs. You had no energy and let your cheek fall onto her shoulder as she somehow helped you up the stairs, slowly but surely.

She could tell just from your cheek on her shoulder that you were running a fever. She felt bad seeing you so sick. It seemed to come on from out of nowhere.

Your night wasn't meant to go like this. You met up with the girls for a nice dinner, only to begin feeling terribly ill about halfway through and it was easy to tell that you needed to be in the comfort of yours' and Soyeon's shared bed and not a restaurant.

"We're almost there," Soyeon whispered comfortingly and you could only whine in response. You peeked your heavy eyes open and saw you were at the top step. Your shared room was only a few more feet away but you felt as though you couldn't possibly get there soon enough.

Your stomach felt funny and sore. Your hands were shaking and beads of sweat gathered on your forehead making any loose hairs cling to your skin.

Soyeon sat you at the edge of the bed and rushed to the bathroom to grab the thermometer to check your temperature. She knelt on the floor in front of you and caressed your cheek. You were pale, your skin losing color from the sickness.

"Under your tongue, my love." She coaxed and you let her stick the thermometer under your tongue. She watched the numbers climb and waited impatiently for it to beep, all while your stomach turned and ached.

"I'm gonna be sick." You whined, just as the thermometer beeped and she pulled it out of your mouth. You had a slight fever, nothing terrible yet. But she knew, with as sick as you feel, it'd only continue to climb.

She was about to ask if you needed her to grab you a bucket when you jumped up and ran into the bathroom. She crinkled her nose at the sound of you getting sick but didn't hesitate to sit behind you and hold back your hair for you.

It was a torturous few minutes. You only managed to get through it with her encouragement and the constant reminder from both her touch and the comforting words she whispered in your ear that she was right there with you.

You stopped once and you felt a little better for a second until the lingering taste on your tongue made you sick once more. Soyeon busied herself with rubbing your back and trying to comfort you by telling you that you'd be done soon and she was right there, promising that she wouldn't leave your side.

You spit a couple of times to try to get the taste off of your tongue before you leaned back against her. Your stomach started to settle for the first time that night and you breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Done, baby?"

You nodded and she reached forward to flush the toilet and close the lid. She grabbed a cloth and wet it down with some cool water before dragging it along your skin. You hummed and finally started to cool down.

She knelt in front of you again and took a moment to brush it along your forehead and cheeks. You opened your heavy eyes, finding her staring at you lovingly. Despite how sick you felt, she still gazed at you so adoringly.

"Can you brush your teeth?"

"I don't know."

"How about I help you? You can sit and do it if it'll make you feel better." She suggested and helped you sit on the closed toilet. Your shirt was clinging to your skin and while you brushed your teeth she grabbed you one of her shirts.

You rinsed out your mouth and turned the water off before your shoulders slumped and your eyes closed.

"Here, baby. I got you a clean shirt. Let's get you changed and into bed."

You could only nod. But you were so tired, so drained of energy, and your muscles were so sore that she had to help you take your clothes off before slipping the shirt over your head. She combed her fingers through your messy hair and sent you a sad smile when you opened your eyes.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, my girl." She said. "Now let's get you into bed."

You leaned on her until you reached the bed. You closed your eyes right away and felt her pull the sheets up to your shoulders before she peppered a couple of kisses across your warm forehead.

"We'll have to keep an eye on your fever." She mumbled to herself. "Do you feel sick at all? Do you want some soup?"

"No. I'm okay."

"How about some cold water? Is your throat sore? I can get you some cough drops."

"I'm okay, Soyeon." You smiled weakly and patted her side of the bed. "Just lay with me. You're the only thing I need to feel better."

Her heart felt warm from your response. She crawled under the covers with you but made sure you had most of them to keep you nice and warm. She let you move into her arms and lay your head on her chest.

"I love you. Promise me that if you feel sick at all tonight you'll let me know? Even if I'm asleep. You wake me up and I'll be right by your side."

"I promise."

"Love you so much, y/n. Maybe some sleep will help you feel better." She said, hoping it was what you needed. "Have sweet dreams."

"Love you, Soyeon." You mumbled and drifted off to sleep with her humming in your ear and running her hand along your back soothingly, leaving her hoping that you'd wake up feeling much better.

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