you try to get her to eat vegetables (requested)

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"Soyeon! Dinner's ready!" You called out.

You heard your girlfriend running down the stairs and then rushing into the kitchen with a bright smile on her face.

"It smells amazing in here. What'd you make?" She wondered.

"Your favorite! Plus, I made some amazing vegetables!"

"Ew, I'll pass." She said as she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

You passed her plate to her and much to her dismay, there were vegetables on her plate.

Going over to the garbage, she went to scrape them off and into the trash bag, only for you to stop her.

"Soyeon, no!" You said and watched her stomp her foot on the floor with a whine. "I just want you to try them. I bet you haven't ever tried some of the vegetables on your plate and you're seriously missing out. Just try a couple. For me."

She groaned as she sat down at the table.

You joined her a second later and watched her clean her plate, at least everything but the vegetables.

All that was left on her plate was spinach, broccoli, zucchini, and string beans.

All things that Soyeon didn't ever want to touch.

"Soyeon, baby, eat your vegetables."

"They look disgusting."

"They're delicious. Come on, try some of them!" You encouraged and watched her frown before reaching for some zucchini.

She put a piece into her mouth before gagging in disgust.

She grabbed a napkin and spit it out into it before drinking some water to try and get the taste out of her mouth.

"Drama queen." You teased. "Try some string beans."

She rolled her eyes at you before putting one into her mouth and shaking her head.

"It's nasty. How can you eat these?"

"They're good."

"We'll agree to disagree." She before getting up.

"Wait, baby, don't you want to try some more? How about the spinach or some broccoli?"

"No, thank you!" She said and dumped the rest into the trash can before sitting back down at the table.

"That was so gross. I'm never eating another vegetable again!"

"At least I got you to try some."

"Yeah and I regret it." She grumbled. "How can you eat that?" She asked as she watched you eat some spinach.

"I like it."

"Well, you're weird."

You reached over and playfully smacked her arm, making her burst into giggles.

Maybe she didn't like them but you'll consider it a win for getting her to try some.

That was something you'd certainly be bragging to the girls about.

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