you wake her for cuddles

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"Goodnight, my love," Soyeon smiled and gave you a kiss on your cheek before she turned off the light and laid her head on her pillow, ready to drift off to sleep while you lied awake beside her.

You weren't upset with her deciding to go to sleep now. You understand her being tired with all she's got on her plate right now.

However, you can't seem to sleep tonight. You're staying over at her house tonight. It's not the first time you've stayed over. But usually, you're wrapped in her arms and ready to fall asleep by now.

But tonight, you're feeling restless. You can't keep your eyes closed and you keep jumping with every crash of thunder off in the distance.

You're not usually afraid of storms, but the one that's taking place tonight is a bad one, and you're feeling a little nervous about it.

You tried to scoot into Soyeon's arms and bury your face in her shirt.

But before you got the chance to, she was rolling over onto her side so her back would face you. She was sleeping; you could tell by the steady rise and fall of her back and the soft snores falling from her lips.

You put your head down on the pillow and tugged the blanket up to your shoulders, only to pull it over your head when you heard the thunder clap again. It was closer than before, rumbling so hard now that the house shook from the force.

You closed your eyes and tried to stay still. You hoped that if you laid there long enough, staying as still as you possibly could while thinking about the things that make you happy or count some sheep, you'd be in dreamland before you knew it.

But you couldn't sleep. Not even when the rain began to fall against the roof; something that oddly brings you comfort, despite your strong dislike for the thunder and the lightning that came along with it.

You knew the only chance of you falling asleep tonight, to escape the restlessness and the nerves you felt, was gonna be with you wrapped securely in your girlfriend's arms.

"Soyeon?" You whispered and scooted closer to her before laying your hand on her back. "Soyeon? Can you wake up? Please?" You asked as you gently shook her, causing her to whine as she opened her eyes.

"What is it, baby?" She wondered, the words falling from her lips in a quiet mumble.

"Can you roll over?"

She craned her neck to gaze at you in confusion but did as you asked. Before she got the chance to ask you if you were okay or what was wrong, you were moving into her arms and putting yours around her to hold her tight.

You buried your face in her shirt like you first desired. You then pressed your ear against her chest and started to feel calmer as soon as you heard her heartbeat.

"I need cuddles."

"Oh?" Soyeon asked with a smile tugging at her lips, eyes full of adoration as she stared down at you. "Well, I am always so happy to give you cuddles, my baby."

You grinned as she squeezed you comfortingly and then kissed your head.

"The thunder kinda scared me and I just can't seem to fall asleep."

"Well, I've got you now. You're safe and sound. Just relax."

A clap of thunder hit again, but it didn't bother you this time around. Not when Soyeon was combing her fingers through your hair and humming your favorite song in your ear, only stopping to whisper words of love and give you kisses in between.

"I love you so much." She whispered.

When you didn't whisper the words back to her and only responded with soft breaths falling from your lips, she knew you'd fallen fast asleep.

She closed her eyes and hugged you tight to her, ready to drift back off to sleep and dream about you again.

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