not going anywhere (requested)

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"Soyeon, can we please talk?" You asked as you followed her into the living room.

She sighed as she sat down on the sofa and you immediately sat down beside her.

"It was a stupid fight but we have to talk about it."

"Yeah, you know what? Let's talk." She said. "I don't think that fight was stupid. I felt the way I felt, I said what I said. And so did you."

Your heart dropped as you thought back to the fight you'd had earlier that evening.

It was stupid.

It all started because you wanted to spend a little time with her and tomorrow is your only day off in forever and you wanted her to take the day off too, so you could be together.

You know it's not that easy when it comes to Soyeon's life and her career as an idol.

Taking days off unexpectedly is nearly impossible unless it's for a very serious reason and Soyeon is so dedicated to writing, composing, and producing things for the group that she can't afford to take time off right now.

You both said things you regretted and you thought she did too.

But, right now, it seems that she meant every word spoken, and some of them were a little harsh.

"What are you saying, Soyeon?"

"I'm saying we should break up."

Your heart sank.

"What?" You spoke in shock.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it and I just don't think this is right for us anymore. I'm going to stay with Miyeon for the night and then tomorrow, we can go from there."

"Wait, Soyeon!" You said as tears filled your eyes.

She got up and grabbed her things before heading out the door, leaving you behind like it was so easy to do.

"Please don't go!" You pleaded as she drove away.


Sitting up in bed, tears were streaming down your face as sweat rolled down your skin.

You looked around the room as footsteps hurried down the hall and Soyeon appeared a few seconds later.

"Baby? What happened?" She asked as she hurried over to you. "You're sweating and crying. What is it, baby?"

"I had a bad dream." You sniffled.

"Oh, come here." She spoke before pulling you into her arms. "It's okay, I'm here. Tell me what it was about."

You could barely say the words, terrified that if they fell from your lips, it might just come true.

But as Soyeon rubbed your back and comforted you, you felt safe enough to open up to her about the nightmare you'd had.

"We had a fight in my dream and when I went to talk to you about it a couple of hours later, you told me that we should just break up. You left me and I pleaded for you to stay but you didn't."

"Oh, my love." She whispered as her lips brushed across your head softly. "Look at me."

You took in a shaky breath as you lifted your head.

Her hands gently fell to your cheeks before she put her forehead on yours.

"That's never going to happen. No reason in this world would ever make me want to leave you. I'm not going anywhere, baby, not ever."

You cracked a small smile as she kissed your forehead.

"When we fight, we always work things out. I would never give up on us or you so easily. I love you so much. You're my girl, forever and ever."

"You're my girl forever and ever, too. I love you so much, Soyeon, you have no idea."

"I do." She smiled. "Because I love you just as much."

She wiped away your tears before kissing your lips softly.

"Why were you not here with me?"

"I was inspired and wanted to get some writing done." She said. "But I'm done with that for the night. Let's cuddle and go to sleep."

You nodded and when she laid beside you, you moved into her arms and put your head on her chest with a contented sigh.

"Are you okay? Feel better?"


"Good. Because it was just a bad dream, baby. I'm not going anywhere. I promise you." She whispered as she played with your hair.

You smiled and softly kissed her neck before drifting off to sleep, so thankful to call her yours; forever and always.

Soyeon Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now