when you get a bad grade on an exam (requested)

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"I'm so nervous." You said as you kept the papers face-down on your lap while Soyeon brushed her hand across your back soothingly.

"I know you're nervous but you have to look at it sooner or later, baby." She chuckled. "Everything is going to be okay. You did a wonderful job, my love. I know it. Just turn it over, let's look at it together!"

Taking a deep breath, you did as she said as she put her hand on your knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

But as soon as you turned it over and you saw the mark on your exam, your heart dropped.

It was low.

Just a little above what you needed to pass.

That is great news since that's extremely important in your college courses.

But it was disappointing to you nevertheless.

"What? This can't be right!"

Soyeon looked from the paper and to you, the look in her eyes one of pure sadness.

"I worked so hard! I spent days and nights studying! I pulled so many all-nighters preparing for this! I thought I did well! I thought it would all pay off."

"I'm so sorry, baby." She said before kissing your shoulder.

Truthfully, she wasn't exactly sure what to say.

You still did well by getting above what you needed and she knew that was great.

But she also knows how hard you worked on preparing for this and you seemed so disappointed and ashamed of yourself and it crushed her.

"I can't believe this. I did such a horrible job." You mumbled and threw the paper down before burying your face in your hands.

"No, baby, you didn't."

"Yes, I did, Soyeon! Look at the grade I got."

"But look at how hard you studied for it, y/n. You're smarter than you think you are. You probably just had an off day, and made a few little mistakes. I know you must've been exhausted after not sleeping so much trying to get a perfect score on this."

"I feel like I failed."

"But you didn't!" She said as she squeezed your shoulder. "I know you're upset and you're disappointed that you didn't get the score you hoped you would. But, sweet girl, it is only one bad grade. It doesn't define you."

You stared at her with worried eyes, looking a little discouraged and still very sad.


"Yeah. You're so smart, y/n. The entire time that we've been together, you have not gotten one bad grade. You're a smart cookie!"

You smiled a little, the sweet name always making your heart skip a beat.

"And I know you're disappointed but it's just one exam and you still did well. I don't think you have anything to be ashamed of."

You just sighed in response.

"If it were me, if I weren't an idol and I were in university like you and I got a bad grade on an exam, would you tell me that I should be ashamed and I'm not smart?"

"No. Never."

"Exactly." She said, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear. "You shouldn't say it to yourself either. I know it's different and I know you're hard on yourself and you think you have to be perfect all the time but it's okay to make mistakes and get bad grades. It's not permanent and it doesn't define who you are."

"Thank you."

"And there's always next time. I'm sure you have many more exams ahead of you still."

"Unfortunately." You groaned, making her laugh.

"You'll ace it then. You worked hard, you studied hard. You just made a few little mistakes and you got one bad grade. That's not you. It's not like you'll get bad grades all the time. It's just once. You'll do better next time."

"You're right." You said as you stared into her eyes, suddenly more relieved after hearing her sweet, reassuring words.

"I believe in you and I hate that you're so critical of yourself. You're not the only one that's gotten bad grades. I bet other people in your classes got bad grades too. It happens! Doesn't mean that defines them, just as ur doesn't define you. You're bright and you're kind and you're so beautiful. I want you to be gentler to yourself."

"Okay. I'll try. I promise." You said and she kissed you softly.

"Good. I love you and I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, baby."

Seeing you grin over those words melted her heart.

Most of all, she knew that you knew that she meant every word.

She is oh so proud of you.

You always make her proud, no matter what.

And nothing will change that, not even one little bad grade.

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