opening up to her about your depression (requested)

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Walking into the bedroom, a heavy sigh left Soyeon's lips.

The room was dark and she was exhausted, so tired that she knew that once she was out of her clothes and in her pajamas and bed, she'd fall fast asleep.

She figured you were out cold so she made her way over to your side of the bed, only to watch the room light up as you turned on the lamp on your nightstand.

"Oh, you startled me." She chuckled and put her hand over her heart.

You had your cheek resting on your pillow and you looked at her with tired eyes.

There was no sparkle in them anymore.

There hasn't been in so long.

All she sees now is hopelessness and exhaustion.

Without saying a word, she sat on the bed and scooted as close to you as she could get.

"Doing okay?" She asked as she kept her eyes on you.

You shrugged your shoulders wordlessly and closed your eyes as she began to brush her fingers through your hair.

Your mind is such a mess these days as different thoughts run through your mind, telling you all the things you aren't and convincing you that you are.

Soyeon is the only comfort you can find.

She's the only thing that makes you feel a little relief in the constant state of chaos that you feel as if you're trapped in.

"Have you eaten?"

You shook your head.

"Baby," She said, making you shake your head.

"Don't. Please." You whispered and she didn't say anything in response.

She softly kissed the back of your neck and then brushed her hand across your back.

"Do you want to talk to me about what you're feeling and what's going on in your mind right now?" She asked.

"I just don't know what to do anymore." You said with a heavy sigh. "I'm so tired. I feel like I'm trapped in my mind, like I'm a prisoner. I can't seem to escape. I'm scared that things will never get better."

A lump appeared in Soyeon's throat and her heart shattered a little.

"I'm so tired of living like this. I've lost so much hope. I don't know if I'm ever going to feel better. I want to be happy again and I want to wake up each morning and look forward to the day ahead instead of just dreading it."

Soyeon was at a loss for words and so instead of speaking, she just listened.

"I'm young. I have my whole life ahead of me. Why am I feeling like I don't? Why am I stuck in my own mind? Why do I feel so worthless?"

"I don't know, baby." She said quietly. "Baby, I wish I had all the answers and that I could make you feel better but I don't. I can't take it away. But I can assure you that this battle you're fighting in your mind isn't one you're fighting alone."

You turned over to face her and closed your eyes as she caressed your cheek.

"Things will get better soon. I can't tell you when or how but I can promise you that no matter what, I'll be here for you no matter what. When things are dark, when you're happy, when you're feeling all the things in between, just remember that I'm right here."

"I feel as though I don't deserve you." You said as you felt tears in your eyes, only to blink them away.

"You do."

"You don't get tired of me?"

"Eh," She joked and felt a little relief when you cracked a tiny smile. "No. Not ever. Even when you're at your lowest, at rock bottom, I still love you just the same. I love you just the same then as I do when you're all smiles and feel like the happiest girl in the world."

"I love you too." You mumbled. "You're the only thing that keeps me going and makes me feel safe when my mind is such an awful mess and it feels like everything is going wrong."

"That will never change, I promise." She whispered softly, kissing your forehead. "Can I get you anything?"

"No. Just hold me. Please."

She pulled you into her arms as you closed your eyes, making you feel safe for the first time all day.

Your mind was still running but your worst thoughts faded away as the warmth and security of her embrace helped to make you feel calm.

"I won't let you go. I promise you, baby." She whispered and kissed your head, promising you that she'd still be holding you close when you open your eyes in the morning.

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