she gets jealous (requested)

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"Whoa..." Soyeon breathlessly as she watched you come down the stairs. "You look stunning."

"Thank you, baby." You smiled as you reached the last step, kissing her cheek softly.

She put her hands on your hips and pulled you closer, staring you up and down.

"God, my girl is just so gorgeous." She said before kissing your lips. "And especially in this suit."

You giggled and kissed her lips again, wrapping your arms around her neck.

But suddenly, the front door opened and the girls walked into the house.

"Are you two about ready?" Miyeon asked before she and the girls froze.

Their eyes were all on you and their jaws practically hit the floor when they saw you.

"Holy..." Minnie said. "Y/N, you look-"

"So sexy." Yuqi finished for her.

"Oh, thank you." You said with a giggle.

"That suit looks amazing on you," Shuhua said.

"God, Soyeon, you are so lucky," Miyeon spoke.

"I would do anything to be you right now," Yuqi said. "To have such a hot girlfriend on my arm tonight. You're lucky to call Y/N yours."

Although Soyeon knew that Yuqi was right, she didn't like the words that came out of her mouth.

And she also didn't like seeing her friends stare at you the way they were.

Their eyes were practically hearts, their jaws were on the floor, and they looked as though they were just smitten for you.

"Look at you in that suit. Damn, Y/N, you're hot." Minnie said.

You giggled, becoming a little shy.

"No, seriously, that's an understatement. You look divine." Soojin said.

"Soyeon, you're so lucky," Shuhua said as she bit her lip, staring at you in awe.

"Alright, will you all stop drooling over my girl?"

"Huh?" Yuqi said, having zoned out while staring at you. "Sorry, Y/N looks so good, I zoned out."

"She's mine! Now, pick your jaws up off the floor and go get in the car."

You chuckled as Soyeon pulled you into her arms.

"Fine, fine," Minnie said, rolling her eyes.

"If you ever screw up and she becomes single, I call dibs!" Soojin said.

"No fair!" Shuhua and Miyeon spoke in unison as they followed Yuqi, Soojin, and Minnie out the door.

Soyeon was unhappy about that and she glared at them until they were out of sight.

"Baby, don't be so jealous." You chuckled.

"Did you see how they were looking at you? And the things they said about you!"

"But it doesn't matter because I'm all yours." You said before kissing her lips. "I love you, Soyeon. Only you."

"Yeah?" She smiled as you kissed her again. "What do you say we have a change of plans and we stay in instead? Because as good as this suit looks on you, I think it'd look even better on the floor." She smirked.

"No." You said and gave her one more kiss before taking her hand and leading her out the door as she whined and hoped you'd change your mind.

Soyeon Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now