her reaction to you being scared when you see a spider in the house (requested)

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"I'm going to grab a snack. Do you want anything?" You asked Soyeon as you prepared to stand up, causing her arms to unwrap from around you.

"No, I'm good. Thank you though, my love."

You kissed her cheek softly before getting up and going into the kitchen.

You made your way over to the cupboard where you and Soyeon keep a few snacks and just as you went to open it, something caught your eye nearby.

Crawling across the floor was a spider, its eight legs moving very quickly upon your footsteps getting closer to it.

"Oh, my god. Soyeon!" You yelled from the top of your lungs.

"What!?' She worriedly asked as she rushed into the kitchen. "What happened?"

"There's a spider!" You said before pointing to it, seeing that it was still on the floor. "Look! It's huge!"

She stepped closer before scoffing and looking at you.

"It's not huge. It's smaller than my fingernail." She spoke before folding her arms over her chest.

"Kill it!"

"Why? It's not hurting you." She said before sending you an amusing smile. "Why are you so scared of something so little? It's probably more scared of you than you are of it."

"I highly doubt that. I hate spiders, Soyeon. I'm terrified of them!"

"You're scared of that little thing?" She chuckled. "Come on, spiders actually do a lot of good."

"No, they don't. They're terrifying and I hate them." You spoke and clenched your jaw. "Either you kill it or I'm burning the house down. Your choice."

She laughed and rolled her eyes at you before going to the cupboard to grab a jar.

"What are you doing?"

"Catching it and putting it outside."

"Are you insane? It'll just come back in!"

"Y/N, I'm not killing the spider." She said as she brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "It's harmless."

"It could be one of those deadly ones."

"It doesn't look anything like those." She replied. "Baby, it's not going to hurt you."

"Will you please just kill it?" You whined. "Please, Soyeon, I'm scared."

"Fine, fine." She sighed before grabbing one of her shoes from across the room. "Sorry, buddy. She's making me do this."

She smacked the spider and you heard it squish before breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Happy now?"

"I guess. I hate spiders so much. They scare the life out of me!"

She laughed.

"Stop making fun of me." You pouted.

"Alright, fine. Well, it's dead." She said as she washed her hands and then came over to you.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind and a smirk pulled at her lips.

"You know, they say there's always a spider six feet away from you."

"What!?" You said, eyes going wide.

"Yeah. There could be one on the wall in our bedroom or the corner of the hallway. There's probably some we don't even see but they're just crawling around the house." She said as she brushed her fingers along your arm, causing you to gasp.

"Okay, that's it. I'm setting the house on fire!"

"Baby, I was just messing with you!" She laughed before following you back into the living room. "We are spider-free now, I promise."

"Stop being mean to me." You mumbled as she wrapped you in her arms.

"Fine. I'll kill all the spiders we see in the house from now on, okay?"

"You're my hero." You spoke and pecked her lips, making her smile from ear to ear.

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