4 - The Co-Ed Project

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After exploring the halls briefly, Tyler was shown the way to his destination. He walked into the Co-ed Project meeting room, unsure of what to expect from the rest of the guys chosen. He had already met one of the boys earlier this morning, and he hoped that he was the outlier when it came to the five of them. Tyler opened the door to the meeting room and was immediately met with the emo boy sitting smugly on the centre table with a rose in his mouth.

'Good afternoon, Mr. Idontknowwhatyournameis. Please, be seated while we wait for the others to arrive.'

'Good grief, are you always like this?' Tyler said angrily.

'Only around people that are fun to annoy.' Tyler took the farthest seat away from the emo boy and waited. Thankfully, the wait didn't last too long when another boy walked in. His was short for a boy and looked pretty wimpy. Like Tyler, he had short brown hair, though his was cut much neater.

Everything about him was pretty neat. He looked like he might be rich. He had a mousy look about him, someone who Tyler might have bullied back in his old school. He was tempted to trip him when he walked past, but he held back. That wasn't him anymore. The mousy boy sat next to Tyler but said nothing to him. The emo boy, who was still lying on his desk, took initiative.

'Hello Samuel. How goes it on this fine morning.' The mousy boy looked shocked.

'How do you know my name?' he said in a voice equally as mousy.

'I know everyone's names in this Co-ed Project,' the emo boy said. 'You're Tyler, you're Sam and the other two are Spencer and Zach. I, myself, am called Charles, but you can call me either Charlie or whatever you please. I'm not a fan of my name.'

'Um, nice to meet you,' the mousy boy, Sam, said. Charlie nodded.

'Nice to meet you to Mr. Dickweed,' Tyler responded. Charlie glared. 'You said I could call you anything. Is Mr. Dickweed inadequate?' Before Mr. Dickweed could respond, the two other boys waltzed in.

'Fuck, I'm famished!' an Asian boy said. He peered at the three boys through his sunglasses, tipping them down as he scanned each of them. 'Sup.'

'Hello!' a small blonde boy said. He was the shortest of the bunch, even smaller than Sam. He looked a little girly, but that was probably because he hadn't hit the full extent of puberty yet.

'When's lunch?' the Asian boy asked. 'Name's Zach by the way. Nice to meet all of you sons of bitches!' Tyler rolled his eyes.

'And that makes you Spencer,' Dickweed said, winking at him. Spencer darted around, looking confused, but Zach pushed him down on the seat next to him.

'How about this, huh!' Zach yelled. 'Five guys in an all-girls school! Sounds like the plot of a porno or something. Pretty fucking awesome!'

'It sounds like a fun experience,' Spencer smiled. Zach pushed him down again.

'Not that, nerd! All the ladies we'll be rolling in! They'll be lining up to date us!'

'Oh, what lucky ladies,' Dickweed said sarcastically as he sat down normally.

The doors suddenly burst open, and a familiar woman in Tyler's life strolled in. Principal Stanford, his mother. She had a serious air about her, but her playful smile and embarrassment-inducing wave to Tyler quelled the other boys' initial assumptions about her.

'Nice to finally meet all of you,' she said as she strolled to the front of the room. She was dressed about as formal as you could get. Tyler thought she looked like an older version of the way Bella dressed the other day. Bella's influences were becoming more apparent. 'I hope you're not too shocked by your sudden transfer, but I assure you, it was done with your best in mind.'

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