21 - Cross-Playing

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As Tyler soon learned, first impressions weren't always everything. As the day at VAX continued, he got on famously with Layla. She loved the same games as him, she couldn't stop talking about Resident Evil 4 and Xenoblade Chronicles. They even got in a debate about Resident Evil 5, as it turned out to be one of Layla's favorite entries in the series. Both parties made valid points for and against the game, but when the debate ended, Tyler was eager to give the game a second look, especially since Layla looked so cute when she was explaining her favorite parts.

They headed downstairs to try some demos first. Most of them were indie games, none of which Tyler liked. Layla was a having a blast and watching her was motivation enough to stick around through an ocean of pixel art and chiptune music.

They took a break at a small stand that was meant to be Ichiraku Ramen from Naruto. Naruto was Tyler's favorite anime, but when Layla expressed her disdain for the series, he pretended to agree. Still, she enjoyed the ramen and the atmosphere of the stall. Tyler had to fight every urge not to fanboy out at the immaculate detail of the place. A battle he nearly lost many times.

'That was delicious,' Layla said, as the two walked away from the stall. 'I don't have ramen as much as I should.'

'Me neither,' Tyler lied. 'It's mostly salads for me.' Layla chuckled, as if it was a joke. It would have been a few weeks ago, but since being forced to become a girl, his dinners at the school had come to be increasingly healthier in order to maintain his feminine figure.

'You're very pretty,' Layla said suddenly. 'You look really good in that costume.' Tyler flushed red. He wasn't sure how to respond, if at all. But there was a reason for her sudden compliment. Layla had unknowingly led Tyler to the Cosplay Competition, and she wanted him to enter.

'I'm not sure about this,' Tyler said, biting his lip. 'Everyone will just laugh.'

'Nonsense!' Layla chimed. 'Who in their right mind would resist a Gothic Lolita that looks as hot as you. Get up there, Taylor. Please.'

The look in Layla's dark eyes was enough to make anyone say yes, even if she asked them to murder their whole family. Okay, maybe not that far, but her pleading expression alone gave a very convincing argument. Tyler sighed and strolled up on stage where the crowd immediately cheered, a few guys even hollering his way.

'And what's your name, miss?' the blue-haired MC said, pointing his microphone into Tyler's pink lips.

'Taylor,' he said with a smile.

'What an outstanding costume you have on, did you make it yourself?' Tyler instinctively nodded. He almost had a panic attack realizing that his outfit might have been store bought. Then he remembered that Charlie loaned it to him, and that Polly hand made all of her gothic dresses. 'Incredible stitch work. The talent on display is unbelievable. And now, to continue our 1v1 Cosplay Battles, let's bring up Taylor's challenger. Our three-year reigning runner-up, Marty Matthews!'

The crowd cheered faintly for Marty. A boy strolled up on stage, almost tripping up the stairs in an obviously homemade Gundam suit. Tyler wasn't too experienced in the world of Gundam, but he knew this boy had tried his best to make an accurate costume based off the titular mech from the original series. Huge emphasis on tried.

Marty's red laser sword fell to pieces the second he unsheathed it. As he tried to fix it, his helmet came loose, revealing the face of a meek teenage boy. His brown hair had been spiked up with gel, probably to make himself look cooler, but it wasn't fooling anyone. There was no doubt in Tyler's mind that no matter what Marty tried, the boy would never look cool in the slightest.

'Bring on the Zeon forces!' Marty screamed, his voice breaking through his battle cry. He stood on the stage with a satisfied grin, like he had already won. 'The Federation will win the day!'

The MC walked over to Marty, giving a routine 'not-this-shit-again' look. 'Do you feel confident in your chances of winning today?' the MC said as he pushed the microphone into Marty's smug face.

'Why wouldn't I be? I've been the runner-up years in a row. That's SECOND to first place! Why would this year be any different?' Tyler hated this kid every second he spoke. 'I don't think some silly girl in a Gothic Lolita costume is going to throw off my game. I even officially changed my middle name to Cosplay this year, so I have to win.' Marty pretended to blast Tyler with his gun, but the sound effect it made fizzled out quickly and it broke in half shortly after.

And then the battle began. It was a simple contest, whoever received the loudest applause won. Marty went first. His applause was decent, though considerably hampered by his broken costume. Despite the odds, Marty still wore the same smug grin. When it came time for Tyler to have his turn in the spotlight, he knew he had to not only win, but embarrass Marty in the process.

The crowd cheered loud for the girl they saw on stage, but the applause was strengthened the second Tyler put his hands on his hips and did a few poses he learned from watching videos of models with Bella. The crowd ate him up, they were loving it. The cheering and jeering went on for at least a full minute before the MC ceased it. It didn't take a genius to work out who the winner was.

Tyler saw Layla cheering enthusiastically from the crowd. He waved at her, and she waved back. It was in that moment that Tyler had completely fallen for her. Layla's looks, her kindness, her passion, everything was attractive. Tyler felt indestructible.

'Cheater!' Marty cried, breaking the mood. 'How dare you stroll up here to my SHIT and ruin everything! Who even are you, lady? I've never seen you in the Vancouver Cosplay circles. You're a spy, aren't you? Who sent you? Toronto, Alberta, Newfoundland? Oh, I bet it was those freaky French FORNICATORS from Montreal!'

'What are you talking about?' Tyler asked, trying his hardest not to bust out laughing.

'I'll ruin your face!' Marty screamed, rushing towards Tyler. It would have been a scary situation if Marty was in any way fast, threatening, or had any muscle . All Tyler had to do was step out of the way and let Marty fly off the stage, smashing his costume across the floor. 'My Gundam!' the boy screamed, rubbing his hands through the remains. 'That cost three-hundred and fifty dollars! I stole from my grandmother's life insurance to pay for this!' The look from the crowd clued Marty in to the fact that he had misspoke.

'That's a store-bought costume?' the MC said, glaring at the boy. 'You know there's a strict rule against using a purchased costume to win a cosplay contest here. Have all of your costumes from the past three years been purchased?'

Marty looked hot under his collar. 'Um...no...maybe.' He rose from the rubble of the Gundam and crawled back on stage. Unfortunately, Tyler really should have paid more attention to where he was standing. Marty stared up into Tyler's dress, getting a good look at his genitals through his floral panties.

'SHE'S A DUDE!' Marty screamed. 'THIS GIRL IS A DUUUUUDE!' Tyler panicked for a second, but realized in the situation that had been created, Marty was the last person anyone would believe.

'That's quite a serious claim,' Layla said, pushing her way up to the audience. 'Taylor's a girl. I've been with her all day. If she was a boy, I would have figured it out by now.' Tyler tried to look as confident as he could, but his nerves were wrecking him from the inside. If Layla found out, she would probably murder him.

'This is no girl!' Marty screamed. 'Look! See how you've been tricked!' Marty tried to grab at Tyler's dress, but instead got a kick to the balls.

'Even if I was, I would win anyway,' Tyler said, giving the boy another good kick to the groin. 'I'm not sure you get disqualified for hiding your gender.'

Marty rose from his writhing pain. 'So! I don't care!' He eyed Tyler once more. 'And to think I actually thought you could be my girlfriend.' He teared up a bit. 'Curse my uncontrollable erections. It's always the pretty ones that turn out to me men!' It was then that Marty was dragged off stage by security.

'Well...that was strange,' the MC said. 'Anyway, our winner of this round is Taylor! Would you like to continue in the competition? You have a good chance of getting far.' Tyler shook his head.

'I think I've had my share of cosplaying for one day.'

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