Chapter 86: ¿Dónde Estás?

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Shout out to @KingDavidDobrik on Wattpad for the fantastic fan art!

Check it out here:


"I don't speak English."

Y/n swallowed as they realized what they just said. Of all the words they could have spoken, they couldn't believe those four words fell from their mouth, "I could have said anything else..." Y/n thought to themself as they stared at the short, light blue gem in front of them, scanning them with her eyes as they did the same to her, "She knows I'm lying. I'm screwed..."

"Ya veo, ¿Eres Y/n?" The gem spoke after her scan, putting one hand over the other

Y/n froze; this is not what they expected at all. They didn't expect this gem to believe them, let alone be able to speak Spanish. They could barely speak Spanish, how could this Homeworld gem? Taking a deep breath, carefully thinking their response over and making sure to translate it perfectly, they responded.


The gem frowned and rolled her eyes, glancing behind her before looking back, "¿Dónde puedo encontrarlos?"

"...No," Y/n repeated, hoping their response was correct

"¿Estabas diciendo la verdad cuando dijiste que no hablabas inglés?" The gem questioned, squinting at them suspiciously

"No," Y/n said, trying to feign confidence in their response

"Topaz!" The gem shouted as she craned her head over her shoulder, "This is Y/n! Grab them!"

Before Y/n could stop and see who exactly Topaz was and where she was coming from, Y/n turned on their heel and bolted, quickly heading down the street and turning the nearest corner they could. Glancing towards the forest, they came to the conclusion the best way to lose these gems was to run into the forest, hopefully confusing them in the thick foliage. Taking a quick look to make sure they weren't going to run directly into the gems first, they took off running to the forest. Once they ran past the first set of trees, Y/n realized just how bad of an idea this was. Every step they took created a loud sound as leaves and twigs beneath them crunched under their feet. They quickly stopped and hid behind the nearest tree, taking a deep breath as they reached down and pulled out their weapon, clicking the safety off and pulling the slide back, loading a bullet into the chamber. As they did, Y/n could hear the crunch of other footsteps coming closer. Taking one more deep breath, Y/n closed their eyes and calmed themself, putting a slight bend in their arms as they turned from behind their cover.


"Okay Garnet, you just drew yourself," Steven sighed in annoyance as he looked at Garnet holding a simple drawing of herself

"Uh, I like me," Garnet explained to her best extent

"Well, anyway," Steven waved off as he looked back to Connie's drawing, showing an accurate depiction of what the gem he saw looked like, minus the cat ears, "I think Connie was the closest."

"Thanks!" Connie beamed

"This was a waste of time," Pearl groaned as she stood and crumpled her drawing, "We should be preparing for a fight," she told as she grabbed Connie's drawing, "Whoever this is, she's from Homeworld, she's gotta be here for us"

"She's not though. She said, she's looking for her Dad," Steven told

The gems stared in shock, unable to respond with anything besides, "What?"

"Her dad?" Pearl frowned, completely flummoxed

Steven nodded as he tapped his chin in thought, "There are all these people missing. Maybe her Dad's gone missing too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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