Chapter 38: Action Speaks Loud

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"Pearl! I'm here!" Y/n called as they came in their workout clothes

"Oh... Y/n," Pearl greeted awkwardly

"Ready for our training today?" Y/n asked

"About that," Pearl said, "Why don't we take a walk to your attic?"

"Alright," Y/n shrugged, "What's up?"

"Well, as you know about the Gems coming to Earth," Pearl began as she walked with Y/n out of the temple and down to the beach, "Garnet, Amethyst, and I have been discussing what the best course of action would be for you when the time finally comes,"

"What do you have for me?" Y/n asked as they strolled with Pearl

"We've considered all your training and the information you gave us about the Gems coming to Earth," Pearl told, "As you know this will be a very tough battle,"

"I know," Y/n nodded, "Rose has been telling me that for months,"

"Yes... she seems to know," Pearl said, "What has she been saying?"

"She's been telling me to keep training and take care of myself," Y/n told, "She's confident we'll be able to make it in the end,"

"Yes, that sounds like Rose," Pearl sighed as she opened the door to the fry shop, "After you,"

"Thank you," Y/n nodded as they walked in, "Why did you wanna come back here?"

"I figured it would be more comfortable when I gave you some information," Pearl said, "Please, sit down," Pearl told as Y/n and her walked up the stairs

"Sure," Y/n sat down on their bed.

"Garnet, Amethyst, and I have reached a conclusion," Pearl told, "And that conclusion is that you won't be helping us when Jasper and Peridot arrive,"

"What do you mean I can't help?!" Y/n shot up from their seat

"Y/n, it's too dangerous," Pearl told, "We don't know what we're up against,"

"YOU, don't know what YOU'RE up against!" Y/n told, "I've seen the ship! I've seen the crew, you need me!"

"No, we can't risk you getting hurt," Pearl shook her head, "You told us they want you for a trial. If they capture you again, there is no way you'll be able to escape again,"

"This is bull," Y/n said, "I've been training for months for this "big moment" and when it finally comes you're telling me I'm not good enough?!"

"Please calm down," Pearl said, "This is bigger than any of us imagined. We can't risk you getting hurt,"

"I won't get hurt," Y/n told, "If Rose trusts me with this why can't you?"

"...Please don't make this harder than it has to be," Pearl sighed

"Fine," Y/n huffed, "What about Steven? What're you doing with him?"

"He will be leaving with Greg," Pearl told

"Do you know how frustrating this is?" Y/n gritted

"I can imagine it is frustrating," Pearl said, "It's frustrating for us as well... But like you told us, we're facing a Jasper... I'm not confident we can take her on ourselves,"

"Then let me help!" Y/n said, "Strength in numbers!"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you're not nearly strong enough... I don't think even Garnet is," Pearl told, "You never fought Jasper, you only hid,"

"...You're right," Y/n sighed as they sat on their bed, "I'd just get myself killed,"

"Thank you for understanding," Pearl said, "Please, don't take this as we don't want your help. We do, we just can't risk losing you..."

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