Chapter 50: Catch and Release

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"Y/n, Amethyst... It's time to wake up," A voice said as it shook the two gently, "Come on... If you don't get up Pearl is gonna come and she's gonna be so mad!"

"Hmm?" Amethyst sat up from the bed and looked down at Y/n, who was still sleeping, "Steven? What's going on?"

"It's almost two in the afternoon! You guys have been asleep for soooo long!" Steven told, "Pearl was gonna come over and pull you guys out of bed, but I said I'd come and wake you up!"

"Alright, let's go," Amethyst sighed as she tried standing out of the bed, but Y/n was resting on Amethyst's long hair, they instinctively grabbed onto Amethyst and pulled her back down, "Eh... The bed keeper says no,"

"Y/n, Y/n wake up!" Steven shook Y/n

"Another millennium..." Y/n groaned

"Pearl is gonna come in five minutes if you don't get up!" Steven warned

Y/n's eyes immediately shot open, recalling the many times Pearl came in to wake them up. Not wanting another situation like prior, Y/n immediately rolled out of bed and onto the floor, "I'm coming! I'm coming!" Y/n told as they jumped up and ran to the closet.

"That got 'em," Amethyst chuckled as she stood out of bed and gave Steven a quick noogie

"Haha! Stop!" Steven laughed as he reached at Amethyst's hand

"You miss me?" Amethyst asked

"Maybe a little," Steven told

"Missed you too, bud," Amethyst chuckled

"Alright, I'm dressed," Y/n told as they approached Amethyst and Steven

"Whoa, you're quick today," Amethyst laughed

"I don't want my spine to be broken by pokes again," Y/n told

"Heh, right. She still does that?" Amethyst asked

"Yes," Y/n sighed, "A lot,"

"She does that to me too, if I don't get out of bed," Steven told

"Together we share our suffering," Y/n chuckled, "Ready to head out?"

"Yep!" Steven smiled

"Le's go," Amethyst said as she gestured towards the stairs

"Can do!" Y/n laughed as they did a speed walk to the stairs and slid down the hand rail

"Ooh! That's fun!" Amethyst laughed as she followed suit, sliding down the hand rail

"Wait for me!" Steven told as he jumped onto the hand rail and tried sliding down, but near the end slipped off, before he could hit the ground. Y/n quickly reached out, caught him, and set him down on the floor

"Careful there," Y/n laughed

"Man, I gotta practice my hand rail riding," Steven pouted

"You'll get soon, you almost made the entire rail!" Y/n told, "Just that last second,"

"Yeah, you'll get 'em next time," Amethyst assured, "Come on, let's go before Pearl gets REALLY mad,"


"It's getting late," Y/n yawned, "I should probably head back now,"

"Aw, come on," Steven pouted, "We've only been hanging out since 2!"

"It's almost 11 o'clock!" Y/n laughed, "That's nine hours! Besides, don't you need to go to bed?"

"You are more than welcome to sleep over," Pearl told from the kitchen area

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