Chapter 67: Almost Valentine

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"Hey, Steven," Y/n greeted as they climbed up the stairs to their attic. Steven sat on the couch playing a game on Y/n's TV

"Hey, Y/n! You giving gifts for Valentine's day or something?" Steven asked as he paused the game and nodded over to Y/n's bed where two boxes of chocolates and two cards sat as well a bouquet of flowers.

"Uh, no?" Y/n frowned as they went over to their bed and examined the items, "There's no names on these either..." Y/n opened a card that appeared to be drawn in crayon that showed what looked like a bear wearing a hat, with it's arm outstretched, holding a large heart, underneath it, the text read: "I love you THIS much." The second one had a drawing of a pink stick figure in a heart space ship that said: "Our love is OUT OF THIS WORLD"

"Really? They're not yours?" Steven asked

"Nope," Y/n told as they dropped their school bag off their shoulder, "I'll have to ask Mr. Fryman who brought them... Anyways, the reason I asked you over here,"

"About yesterday, right?" Steven asked

"Yeah, the whole Jasper thing," Y/n said, "I just feel like I haven't told you everything,"

"I know that you two... Kind of fused or whatever," Steven said, "But she seemed really... I dunno, like more than that happened,"

"Well, remember that time when you fell asleep and you were able to talk with Lapis... While she was Malachite?" Y/n asked

"Yeah, I remember," Steven nodded

"Well, I did that too, but with Jasper and it happened several times," Y/n explained

"Did anything... Happen during those times?" Steven asked

"Not really... She was just kind of mean to me... I tried to be nice to her" Y/n said, "But each time we talked... She got less and less mean,"

"I guess... She warmed up to you," Steven said, "But she said something that's kind of been bugging me,"

"Yeah?" Y/n sighed

"The whole... 'Our Diamond' thing," Steven said, "What did she mean?"

"I've... I've spoken with Pink Diamond a few time, as I'm sure you know," Y/n said as they fiddled with their necklace, "When I told Jasper that... She became very insistent that I belonged to Pink Diamond... And she just was very... I don't know how to explain it... belligerent?"

"I think I get what you mean," Steven said

"I just don't want to leave you in the dark... No secrets kept from you," Y/n told

"Oh," Steven swallowed, he felt like one thousand pounds of bricks made of pure guilt just hit his chest as a sudden urge to cry came on, "T-thanks for telling me,"

"Is everything alright?" Y/n asked

"It's-It's just kind of scary, y'know? She's out there a-and she wants to take you away," Steven said

"Heh... Don't worry about that, I'll be perfectly fine," Y/n assured as they hugged Steven, "There's nothing we can't handle together, yeah?"

"Yeah," Steven nodded as he hugged Y/n back

"Say, wanna help me figure out who dropped this stuff off?" Y/n asked

"Oh, sure!" Steven smiled, "Let's go ask Mr. Fryman!"

"Right!" Y/n nodded as they rushed down the stairs with Steven close behind, "Hey, Mr. Fryman, quick question: Did you let anyone up into my room to drop something off? Or did someone leave anything for me?"

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