Chapter 40: Jailbreak

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"Please, Yellow. Allow me to talk to the human, I may be able to get through to them," A large woman spoke to Yellow Diamond

"Blue, no. If we allow another Diamond to talk with this human, it will go straight to their ego. We would be giving that insignificant human far too much power," Yellow Diamond responded

"They don't deserve such a fate, Yellow," Blue Diamond pleaded, "You must show mercy,"

"If I show mercy to a human, my power will be called into question. We cannot afford that," Yellow Diamond shot back, "I will give them a chance to accept the deal when they arrive on Homeworld, but if they deny it again. Homeworld is where they shall live out their short, miserable organic life.


"Hmm?" Y/n stirred in their cells as they heard a loud bang. Y/n looked at their makeshift cell, since they had broken the last human cell they had, Jasper had Peridot assemble one made of spare metal rods.

"Great! This is just perfect!" An unfamiliar feminine voice shouted. Y/n pressed their face against the bars and tried to force them open, but to no luck. Suddenly, singing filled the halls, Y/n tried to look around and fine the source, "Let me out of here! Please! I need to find Sapphire!"

"Uh... Hello?" Y/n called out

"Y/n!" The two voices shouted back, one Y/n recognized as Steven.

"Down here! Near the big window!" Y/n said as they looked around as saw a large panel of glass showing the Earth, "Jeez, we're not on Earth anymore,"

"Wait for me!" Steven called as foot steps panned around the hall, soon two short figures appeared in front of Y/n's makeshift cell

"Y/n! Ugh, we gotta make this quick! I gotta find Sapphire!" The small red girl said. Her hair was square like Garnet's and she had a band tied around it

"How can we get Y/n out?" Steven asked

"This!" The girl grabbed onto the bars and concentrated as hard as she could, soon the bars turned a fiery orange, as if they were about to melt

"I got it from here," Y/n said as she motioned for the two to move out of the way. Y/n then stood in position and kicked at the bar, causing two of them to fall over, allowing Y/n just enough room to escape, "Thanks!" Y/n bent over and grabbed one of the bars as a weapon, "So, we're looking for a Sapphire?"

"We've got no time! Come on!" The red girl said as she ran down the hall

"Who is she?" Y/n asked Steven as they trailed behind

"No clue... But are you okay?!" Steven asked

"I'm fine, what about you? Look at your poor eye!" Y/n fretted

"I'm fine," Steven assured as the two of them caught up with the red girl, "How many more Gems are trapped here?"

"Don't know. Don't care," The red girl said as she tried following the sound of singing, but the singing had stopped suddenly, "She stopped singing... Sapphire!" The red girl continued running down the hall way, where they reached a cell with a Gem inside, "Oh!" The red girl gasped, then her excitement melted once she realized it was Lapis Lazuli, "It's just you..."

"Lapis!" Steven called out, Lapis Lazuli turned around to face him, "Lapis, I can get you out,"

"Stop!" Lapis Lazuli yelled as she moved back

"It's okay. I can-" Steven began to plead

"No! I don't want your help. Things are bad enough as it is. I've already made too much trouble. Once we get back to Homeworld, they're going to decide what to do with us," Lapis told

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