Chapter 68: Bismuth

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Before we start this chapter, thanks to @JadeThunderhoof  for the Amazing fan art!!!!


Before we start this chapter, thanks to for the Amazing fan art!!!!


"Hmm?" Y/n frowned as they lifted their head and wiped a bit of droll of their cheek. Right next to their face was their phone still playing a video that they had previously been watching, but fell asleep in their full clothes once they had sat down on their bed, "Shoot, Steven's probably worried," Y/n thought to themself as they had texted him just fifteen minutes ago that they would be right over. Y/n stopped the video and stood up, speeding down the stairs and out of the door. They sped down the boardwalk and onto the beach, quickly mounting up the stairs and through the door, "Sorry, I fell asleep when I-" Y/n began

"Oh, Bismuth! Let me introduce you t-" Pearl said

"Y/n?" Bismuth turned around to face the door and look at the human

"Bismuth?" Y/n looked up to the big grey gem

"Ha, ha! Y/n!" Bismuth cheered as she ran forward, grabbed Y/n by their sides, and swung them around in circles, "And here I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Neither did I! It's so good to see you again!" Y/n smiled, "Rose told me she lost you at the battle for the Ziggurat!"

"That's what I've been hearing too," Bismuth said

"You two already know each other?" Pearl asked in shock

"'Course I know this lil' genius!" Bismuth laughed as she set Y/n down, "So, you still traveling through time or was your little visit a one-time thing?"

"Actually, I think my last travel was... a few weeks ago," Y/n admitted, "Fell asleep on accident,"

"So this thing only works when you sleep?" Bismuth asked, "Huh... Design flaw on my part. You'll have to forgive me for that, I didn't really know how to make this work for a human,"

"Don't even worry about it," Y/n assured

"When did you two meet?" Pearl asked

"Oh, I found Y/n passed out just outside the forge! I brought them and to see what to do with 'em and to my surprise, they woke up and started speaking!" Bismuth recounted

"So? Anyone can speak," Amethyst shrugged

"Not humans five thousand years ago," Garnet informed

"Five thousand years? It's been that long?" Bismuth frowned, "Have I really been out that long?"

"Five thousand and three hundred years ago," Garnet nodded

"...What's the damage?" Bismuth asked

"We can show you," Pearl told

Bismuth nodded to Pearl and Pearl nodded back, leading the group over to the warp pad and activating it. Once the warp stream ended, everyone ended up in front of the Gem Battlefield, covered in large strawberries as well as large weapons, Bismuth looked around at the battlefield and frowned, "No! No way! We were just here!"

"Remember, it's been five thousand years," Pearl said, "We, the Crystal Gems, were able to save the Earth..."

"But we're all that's left of The Rebellion huh?" Bismuth inferred. Pearl nodded as she began to cry, tears pouring down her face, "Oh, come on Pearl. You know I can't take it when you cry like that!" Bismuth said as she wiped a tear of her own away.

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