Chapter 32: One Step Closer

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"Are you sure we should make this humorous?" Pearl asked as she watched Y/n's laptop over their shoulder. It was about eight at night, with only the moon and the screen lighting Y/n's room.

"It'll keep people interested," Y/n told as they typed away on their keyboard. As they typed away their report, Y/n's phone began to ring from their pocket. Y/n grabbed the phone and answered, "Hello?"

"Y/n, this is Captain Turner," Captain Turner said

"Ah, great to hear from you," Y/n said, "You got the searches done?"

"Yes, and we definitely found evidence of collusion between a few people," Captain Turner said, "I believe more than half of my work force is being... bribed by whoever Finch was working for,"

"Half?" Y/n frowned, "Did we get a name?"

"Only a location from a public phone," Captain Turner, "And that was in the Keystone Motel,"

"Huh, that's in the next state over, right?" Y/n asked

"Yes, how do you think we should proceed?" Captain Turner asked

"Do we have any security camera footage from the motel?" Y/n suggested, "Maybe if we know the date and time of the phone call we can find who was using the phone at the time,"

"Good idea," Captain Turner said, "I'll get on that myself, expect to hear from me by Saturday,"

"Can do," Y/n said as they glanced at the day on their computer, which was Thursday, "Anything else I should know about?"

"Well, we've got enough evidence to prosecute Officer Lee, but we don't have much that suggests any other officer is under this man's influence other than phone records," Captain Turner told

"Maybe check their financial reports," Y/n suggested, "Tax returns, stuff like that,"

"I'll look into that," Captain Turner said "I'll call you when I have something,"

"So will I, have a nice night," Y/n said as they hung up, "Sorry 'bout that,"

"Oh, it's no problem at all," Pearl assured, "We seem to be getting closer, yes?"

"It seems like it," Y/n nodded, "Alright, back to this report. So, what was the story about the cannons?"

"Why don't we take a break? We've been working for a while," Pearl suggested, "You still have a week left, correct?"

"A little bit more than a week," Y/n nodded as they stretched

"Well, we can resume work tomorrow," Pearl assured, "You've already worked hard for today,"

"I guess," Y/n sighed, "So, why'd you wanna work in here instead of the temple?"

"Oh, I just thought it would be easier to concentrate here rather than in the temple, Amethyst and Steven can get loud," Pearl told

"That they can," Y/n chuckled, "Thanks for helping me with this, I really appreciate it,"

"It's my pleasure," Pearl said, "I actually enjoy catching up with an old acquaintance... I'd just rather he told me himself... Humans live such short lives,"

"His was shorter than most," Y/n said

"Yours will be longer, yes?" Pearl ased

"...I've got no clue," Y/n admitted

"What do you mean?" Pearl frowned

"Humans are fragile," Y/n told, "Who knows, late at night I might go downstairs to get a drink, but trip down the stairs and break my neck,"

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