Chapter 43: All For Fun

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"Pearl is in there, right?" Amethyst asked as she and Y/n talked outside

"Yep," Y/n took a quick peak through the window, "You sure this is the best way to... show her I can activate the warp?"

"Dude, it'll be hilarious! I promise," Amethyst said

"Alright," Y/n chuckled, "Ready?"

"Ready," Amethyst said as she shape-shifted into a police officer, "Y/n L/n, you're under arrest!" Amethyst shouted in a deep voice

"You'll never take me alive!" Y/n shouted back, but with a big smile.

"Y/n?!" Pearl called out from the temple

"Go, go, go!" Amethyst whispered as she hurried Y/n in

"Y/n, what's going on?!" Pearl asked as Y/n flew through the door in a hurry

"No time to explain!" Y/n said as they ran to the warp pad, "Come with me!"

"Y/n, you can't-" Pearl stammered when she ran in front of the warp bad. Y/n threw their hands up to their sides, activating the warp, "Whaa- Y/n wait! What is going on?! Why are you under arrest? How did you activate the warp?!" Pearl jumped into the warp stream and grabbed onto Y/n tightly

"Ha! Prank'd!" Amethyst called as she traveled in the warp below

"Prank?! This was a prank?" Pearl frowned as she let go

"Amethyst's idea," Y/n told

"Dude, your face is priceless!" Amethyst laughed

"So Y/n isn't under arrest?" Pearl asked

"No," Y/n chuckled

"And you didn't activate the warp by yourself," Pearl said confidently, "That would be impossible, of course. I was silly to think you did,"

"No, I did that," Y/n told

"P-pardon?" Pearl asked in shock as the light tunnel disappeared and transported the three onto a familiar field

"I was gonna ask you if you knew how I could do that," Y/n continued, "But, Amethyst thought this would be funnier,"

"It was, up top!" Amethyst laughed as she raised her hand

"Oh yeah!" Y/n chucked as they high-fived Amethyst

"This isn't part of the prank is it?" Pearl frowned

"No, I actually activated the warp pad," Y/n said, "Look," Y/n threw their hands up again and caused the familiar beam of light to surround the group, bringing them back to the temple, "You have any clue how I could do that?"

"Did you suddenly grow a gem?" Pearl asked

"No," Y/n shook their head, "I mean, I'm pretty sure I haven't. I checked,"

"Is this an ability that Rose has given you?" Pearl asked

"Not that she told me," Y/n told

"I-I don't know," Pearl stuttered, "I mean, this is completely unprecedented!"

"Huh... Oh well, we tried," Y/n shrugged, "Any one wanna go see that movie about the Haitian Revolution? It's supposed to be pretty good,"

"Wait, wait, wait just a moment!" Pearl called, "This isn't something we can just shrug off!"

"Why not?" Amethyst frowned, "Can't we just say it's cool and move on?"

"No! We have to find the route of this!" Pearl said

"How're we supposed to do that?" Y/n asked, "You have a scanner or something?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," Pearl said as she summoned an odd device from her gem that resembled a metal detector

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