Chapter 10: Early to Rise

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Y/n lifted their head slowly and looked around the dark temple, a blanket was draped over them and a pillow was behind their head. Y/n lifted their phone out of their pocket and panicked a bit when they noticed that it was 2 AM. Y/n moved the blanket off their body, stood up, and began to head for the door.

"Yo, where you heading off to?" Amethyst asked in a quiet voice, making sure not to wake up Steven

"Home, I guess. I should probably shower and you know, stuff like that," Y/n told

"Nah, come on. You can stay here, it's fine," Amethyst assured, "We got one of those shower things,"

"I'd need a new set of clothes too," Y/n said, "I'd have to go home for that,"

"Right, right," Amethyst said, "You can do all of that in the morning, just go back to sleep,"

"I... uh," Y/n murmured, not sure how to proceed

"Or if you're not tired we could do somethin', I dunno," Amethyst said as she leaned on the kitchen counter

"You have something in mind?" Y/n asked

"Wanna go somewhere cool?" Amethyst asked, a smirk on her face

"Do I?" Y/n laughed, "If you're saying it's cool, then let's go!"

"That's what I like to hear," Amethyst chuckled as she led Y/n over to the warp, "Ready?"

"Where are we going?" Y/n asked as Amethyst started the warp, neither of them seeing the door of the temple opening as they shot way

"Mask Island!" Amethyst told

"That means... nothing to me," Y/n laughed a bit

"You'll love it! It's great there!" Amethyst chuckled as they finished the warp, landing on the island's warp pad

"Whoa, this place is definitely cool," Y/n said as they looked around

"You haven't even seen the rest of it," Amethyst laughed, "Come on! Follow me,"

"Alright, I'm coming," Y/n said, "Is it safe here,"

"I think so," Amethyst said, "If it's not I think we can both handle ourselves fine,"

"I guess so," Y/n nodded

"Speaking of that, good job on the mission," Amethyst complimented, "How'd you even see those traps?"

"I just... saw them," Y/n shrugged

"Well, you've got sharp eyes," Amethyst laughed, "And your reflexes too! And the tough skin, it's like you were made for Gem fighting,"

"You'd think so," Y/n chuckled, "I guess I just made it to the right place,"

"And we were here at the right time to see ya," Amethyst added

"That too," Y/n smiled

"Did anyone ever tell you about Rose?" Amethyst asked

"Quarts?" Y/n added unintentionally, "Uh... Kind of, Steven didn't go too much into detail besides that... his gem was his mom's,"

"Huh, she used to be one of us, a Crystal Gem, I mean," Amethyst said, "She was great,"

"So, I've heard," Y/n nodded, knowing the Gem's kindness first hand

"I think she'd like you," Amethyst said, "She liked all humans,"

"That's not something you hear everyday," Y/n stated

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