Chapter 80: Memory Lane

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Y/n hummed to themself as they tapped on their phone, laying in bed, comfortable and snug under the covers and in a warm pair of pajamas right out of the drier. They felt as if they hadn't a care in the world, all that mattered was the game of Tetris in their hands. They were so lost in their own world, they didn't even notice the soft click ring out from downstairs followed by soft footsteps up the staircase, it was only until the head popped into view that Y/n finally glanced up

"Y/n... Are you awake?" Pearl whispered

"Yeah, I'm awake," Y/n groaned as they set their phone aside

"Is it alright if I borrow a moment of your time?" Pearl asked as she fiddled with her hands, "I- I promise I won't stay long,"

"Go ahead," Y/n sighed as they sat up

"Thank you," Pearl smiled nervously as she approached their bed, "Uh, may I sit down?"

Y/n said nothing as they gestured to an empty spot on the bed. Pearl nodded appreciatively as she sat down, her back straight and her hands folded in her lap, "Well... First I would like to begin with... I am sorry... I am sorry for actively lying to you,"

"Mhm," Y/n mumbled as they picked up their phone

"Y/n, please look at me," Pearl pleaded, "I'm sorry,"

"Yeah, I heard you Pearl. I heard you the first time," Y/n said as they tossed their phone aside

"I mean it," Pearl said, "It was selfish of me... I had no good reason to lie... I just... I just didn't want to deal with the fallout of telling you the truth... Oh, I sound even more awful when I say it out loud... Y/n, I was so selfish. I was idiotic an-and inconsiderate. All I was thinking about was how it would affect me! I... I mean I considered how it would affect you, but that wasn't my deciding factor! My own personal preference was! A-And that's just unacceptable! I don't know what I was thinking!"

"Pearl..." Y/n sighed

"And the fact I roped Amethyst and Steven into lying with me!" Pearl blushed as she put her knuckles near her mouth, beginning to tear up,"I- I mean, you were right! How am I any better than Yellow Diamond? My behavior was just... Inexcusable! I continually lied to you! Of course, you were angry! And the fact I tried to explain it away... Oh, I'm so foolish,"

"Pearl," Y/n said firmly, laying a hand on her leg, "Thank you... I... Appreciate you realized why I'm mad... You put yourself in my shoes. I can appreciate that,"

"Y/n, I'm so sorry," Pearl said as a tear escaped her eyes, "There's no excuse for what I did,"

"...I forgive you," Y/n told as they pulled her into a hug, "Thank you..."

"Don't thank me," Pearl sniffled as she hugged Y/n tightly, "Don't you dare thank me... I didn't do anything worth thanking,"

"You took the time out of your day to stop and think... Think about how it affected me... And why it was wrong," Y/n said, "You didn't have to... You could've just left me..."

"Oh, Y/n," Pearl whispered as she held Y/n's head close to her, "I could never leave you... Never. I love you,"

"I love you too," Y/n said as they took a deep breath

The two hugged in silence for a moment, just embracing each other as both fought back the urge to break out into full on tears. Not before long, the two parted and smiled to each other, "I actually have a gift for you..."

"You do? Y/n asked

"I was going to give it to you before... The whole incident happened... But I'm glad I can give it to you now," Pearl smiled as she reached to her Gem and pulled a jewel CD case from it, "Do you remember the story I told you about, the one about the human rebels Christian and Gloria?"

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