Chapter 77: The Choice

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Steven coughed loudly as he stood up from the puddle of water he was shot into, quickly inspecting his new clothing and earrings before examining his surroundings, "Where am I now?" Steven groaned.

As he continued scanning the area, he stopped as he noticed his dad's trademark long hair being groomed by two other humans, "Dad?"

"Huh?" Greg jumped, craning his head as he stood up. "Steven?"

"Dad, it's you!" Steven cheered as he ran to Greg and embraced him tightly"Steven! My little man!" Greg laughed as he hugged back The two parted the hug and looked at each other with wide grins.\"Dad! When Blue Diamond took you and Y/n, I got so scared, and then the Gems said you might be in some horrible human zoo, a-and I thought you'd be like Y/n, all chained up to a wall doing tricks for peanuts!"Steven began to sob and Greg frowned, stuttering.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, schtu-ball. Your old man's perfectly fine, and last time I checked Y/n was fine too!" Greg assured, before raising his eyebrows. "Wait, how'd you even get out here?"

"We got on a Gem ship from Earth. I'll tell you about it on the way home. I got separated from the Gems... Y/n was there too, but they got dragged in the other direction. We got to find them and bust you out of here!" Steven told, going to the water where he popped out of and wading into the shallow pool.

"Well, you're not gonna get out that way. I've already tried." Greg informed.

"What?" Steven groaned, getting out of the water. "Well, there might be another way out if we can find it-"

"Ga-reg!" A man with puffy black hair called, wearing the same outfit as Greg and Steven. "Who is that with you?"

"Is this a new friend, Ga-reg?" A woman with long blond hair asked, stepping up beside the man.

"Wy-Six, Jay-Ten, this is-" Greg began, but Steven stepped in front of him and spoke out.

"Let me have my dad back already!"

"Hey, don't be like that. Relax!" Greg put a hand on Steven's shoulder. "These people have treated me so well since I got here."

"Wha?" Steven looked around in surprise as more humans gathered around the four.\

"Everyone, this is Steven. He's my son." Greg introduced.

"Uh, hi..." Steven waved gently.

"Hi!" The group responded unanimously. It was a tad unnerving.

"Thanks for braiding my dad's hair." Steven laughed a bit, trying to ease his uneasiness.

"Steven, these people are the descendants of humans brought here by Gems thousands of years ago," Greg explained as he gestured to the small crowd. "They've never seen the Earth before. Isn't that wild?"

"Ste-van, Ga-reg has told stories of you. 'The bits, the bits!' That's you, right?" Wy-Six asked happily

"The bits, the bits, the bits!" The group of humans chanted, a lone voice calling "Come on, say it!"

"Let's get out of here," Steven said as he grabbed his dad's hand. "We came across a door that leads into the zoo, but we couldn't open it from the other side. let's find it and try to open it from in here."

"A door? Really?" Greg asked, surprise evident in his voice. "All right. Let's find it tonight. It'll be easier to look for it after the routine."

As Greg spoke, the earrings both him and Steven wore lit up and began to speak, "Greetings, everyone. It's time to start the daily routine. Please enjoy your meal during this designated eating period." A gentle yet sickeningly sweet voice instructed. Steven flinched and looked at his shoulder, half expecting to see someone whispering into his ear.

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