Chapter 31: Research Begins

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"Wait, why would we fight animals?" Pearl frowned as Steven, Y/n, Amethyst, and Garnet sat around the couch

"Because they're vicious and out for blood... or gems," Y/n said

"How did they get that size?" Steven asked

"Earth is weird," Y/n said

"Yes, but do the have the same properties as a regular size version of the animal?" Pearl asked

"Sure, they do," Y/n said

"One horse sized duck," Garnet told

"Nah, I'd fight a hundred duck sized horses. Sounds more fun," Amethyst chuckled

"One horse sized duck sounds easier," Steven said

"I have to agree with Steven and Garnet," Pearl said

"Ah, come on, you guys are no fun," Amethyst pouted

"Well, how would you answer, Y/n?" Pearl questioned, "Would you rather fight one hundred duck sized horses or one horse sized duck,"

"I've actually seen the video of a chicken the size of a horse," Y/n told, "And that was terrifying.... But I feel like one hundred duck sized horses would overwhelm me pretty easily... Eh, hundred duck sized horses, let's go!"

"Ah yeah! Up top!" Amethyst cheered as she highfived Y/n

"Where did this question come from?" Pearl asked

"I was just thinking about it when I was studying last night," Y/n told

"Studying? Are you studying again?!" Pearl gasped

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Y/n laughed

"I dunno, man. It was the last time you did it," Amethyst said

"Hey, I got straight A's," Y/n told, "Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me,"

"Do me a favor and study where we can monitor you," Pearl told, "I don't want a repeat of last time,"

"Fine, I could use the company," Y/n shrugged

"Ooh, we can invite Connie! She can help!" Steven cheered

"She definitely was a big help last time," Y/n chuckled, "Well, midterms don't start for another month, so we don't have to worry about it now,"

"Ooh! Do you get a three month break after like in summer?" Steven asked

"Nope, only two weeks this time," Y/n told, "I wish it was three months,"

"Aw man..." Steven frowned, "Well, it's better than nothing!"

"Mhm," Y/n nodded, "Well, I should probably get home, I've got school tomorrow,"

"Ah, yes of course," Pearl said, "Be safe,"

"Can do," Y/n saluted as they went to the door, "Night, guys,"

"Night, Y/n!" Steven waved

"See ya," Amethyst said

"Tell us what you find out," Garnet said

"Find out?" Y/n frowned, "Know what, I guess I'll find out myself soon,"

"You will," Garnet nodded

"Alright, see ya," Y/n said as they left the temple and walked down the stairs. As they walked across the beach, their phone began to ring, "Hello?" Y/n answered

"May I speak with Y/n L/n?" A deep voice asked

"Speaking," Y/n told

"Ah, this is Captain Turner with state police," The police captain told

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