Chapter 56: Super Watermelon Island/Gem Drill

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"J-Jasper?" Y/n gasped as they appeared in the familiar murky area, but Jasper was no longer in chains, instead they were in her clutched hands. The area seemed to shake and vibrate

"Y/n! You're finally here!" Jasper laughed maniacally

"What's going on?!" Y/n asked, trying to keep their balance

"I'm finally in control now!" Jasper told proudly as she yanked the chains, "There really is something more to this fusion thing. It's not just a cheap trick,"

"What do you..." Y/n stepped back a bit in shock, suddenly a water chain wrapped around Y/n's wrist, "Jasper!"

"It doesn't matter if you're a human, you're gonna love how this feels," Jasper said as she yanked Y/n towards her

"What're you doing?!" Y/n asked in shock, pulling back against the chains that were forming on their limbs

"Why don't you come and see?" Jasper told sinisterly as she yanked Y/n's chains again, finally bringing them over to her, "You'll never want to leave!" Jasper chuckled as she embraced Y/n tightly. Y/n felt their breath leave theme as their eyes were filled with a bright white light. Their body went numb, as if everything about them was slowly being stripped away including their own mind. The white light soon faded to reveal a lush green cliff side, four large feet stood in the water below, which they slowly recognized as their own... but not as their own at all, it belonged to them and others. Chains held back the shared body, they managed to crane the head upwards to see a watermelon that looked just like Steven

"Steven..." They spoke as they lunged forward with open jaw and bit down


"Y/n! Y/n, oh man, what do I do?" Amethyst panicked as she tried shaking Y/n awake

Y/n took a large breath in as they shot up from the barn floor, "Oh lord," Y/n gaped for air, wheezing as they held their throat, "W-water,"

"Water? You need water?" Amethyst stood up, "Right! I'll go get some!" Amethyst bolted out of the barn and quickly returned with a metal bucket of water.

Y/n grabbed the bucket and began to chug it, coughing as the cool liquid passed through their constricted throat, "Thank you," Y/n sighed in relief as they rubbed their throat, which felt very sore.

"Dude, what... what just happened?" Amethyst said, "I-I-I I was just y'know, lying next to you and then you made this weird noise and you stopped breathing! And then you started just... twitching and stuff!"

"Malachite... Lapis is losing control," Y/n told, "Malachite is gonna be loose soon!"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down," Amethyst said, "What do you mean?"

Before Y/n could answer the ground beneath began to shake violently. Y/n stood up quickly and stumbled outside, barley able to control their legs as they stepped into the bright sunlight, "The ground shook!" Peridot exclaimed. "This could be the start of the emergence of the Cluster. Stage 1: slight tremors every quarter hour. Stage 2: full-scale earthquakes. Stage 3: the Earth is destroyed! We're running out of time. We need to drill right now!"

"It's Malachite!" Y/n and Steven shouted. Y/n leaned against the barn door, struggling to keep themself upright

"What?!" Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst gasped

"I was on Mask Island. I was in a Watermelon Steven. They have a lovely community, but Malachite, she was there!" Steven told, "Wait, Y/n how did you know?"

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