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Just leave things as it is...

Tightly, I closed my eyes from thinking that it could help me to forget and unbothered for being unable to save Eris.

I felt the thug lifted me up and tied me at the back of the horse.

Maybe I'll just leave things like this and take it to my grave wherever it is.

But this little part of my heart keeps on pleading to make me do something. I felt it crawling at every fiber of my nerves as my heart was shrouded with guilt and conscience for leaving Eris get slaughtered.

This is new to me. Having an inner conflict was very strange to me especially when it's not about me. I don't like it when I feel unsettled and bothered to do things and make decisions for the welfare of others.

Then the thug mounted in his horse after he secured the rope around me as if I'm a sack of grain he saddled at the back of the horse. He murmured something vile on me but I didn't pay attention on it as I saw the haughty lady gestured something to the assassin. Then I saw the assassin sheathed his sword and hand it over towards the lady.

My drowsy eyes went wide upon the realization hit me.

No way—

There's no way I could just let them do their vile deeds to Eris. I can't let her die without doing anything even if I have to sacrifice everything for her.

I closed my eyes and at the deepest core of my hollow heart— I called him. I called him and I beseech and ask for the heavens wherever he is. I seek for his help and his benevolence.

Wherever you are...

Please save her...

I whispered fervently as the horse started to gait its pace away from the barren land. Being tied at the back of the galloping horse, I can no longer lift my head to see what they've done to Eris.

Literally, I can feel my heart sank at every gallops of the horse. It was filled with fear and hesitations that maybe nobody  wants to hear my plea. Maybe he didn't hear me or he didn't want to save Eris. As the horse ran so fast— every pace had made me feel so desperate for the first time that I ask and ask for his help all over again and again and again. I whispered his name like a chant— wishing that the air would carry and bring it to wherever he was.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do right now. It seemed like nobody else really heard me. I've already done the hardest thing that I've never fared my whole life. I've never been so bothered and desperate to save someone because I'm used to leave things as it is and I just go along wherever the flow was. But this time, I did the opposite and I felt a strange emotion that goes along with it.

I'm scared.

I'm so scared for Eris. My mind was filled with morbid thoughts of her being mutilated by those demented bunch of felons. There'll be no way to find it out.

All of the sudden, the horse had halted in an aggressive way as if something scared it to move forward. If I wasn't tied up, then maybe I would have flipped in the air as the horse suddenly reared its fore legs. The thug had lost his control over the reign when he flipped over and fly some few distances away. I heard him groaned painfully after he fell in the ground with a loud thud.

The rope had loosened while the horse continued to rear. But it gave me the advantage to ease myself from being tied on its back. I've seen that the other horses had done the same as if they were all scared. They reared forcefully as if they were trying to overthrow their riders into the air.

I fell in the ground when the rope had loosened completely. That's when the horses stopped from rearing and they all started to bolt away leaving us in the barren ground with the clouds of dusts swarming all over the land.

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