14| Undisguised Mirth

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It's in full bloom...

Gazing at countless blooms of pink lips-like peonies, bees are buzzing with bright blue butterflies pirouetting around.

Treading in a terra-cotta cobbled pavement, sweet redolence from honeysuckles and jasmine wafts in the air as their foliage spreads up in a wooden hedge.

Waking up this morning, I didn't expect seeing myself inside a cozy room. Everything still looks the same but smaller and comfortable than how it was yesterday. Amerton told me that Lord Ronin had made some changes which considerably suits to my preference. It's not surprising anymore judging his eminent capabilities but it's baffling when he becomes accommodating—I find it incredulous as it seems.

I asked Amerton when he's gawking at me several times as if I had grown two horns in my head. He's on edge and keeping his distance which I presumed he might be disgusted seeing I'm covered with filth.

I can't understand what he's talking about when he told me I freaked out yesterday—telling me I screamed out like somebody's chasing me. I'm wondering what his scheme all about for telling me such lies. I tried to ask him but he didn't give further details. But his plump face shows confusions when he thought I didn't notice his surreptitious glances.

And speaking of him, he told me to go to the pavilion after taking my breakfast. He instructed that the Lord is waiting for me to serve him his morning meal.

But before anything else, he strictly told me to clean myself first and change my dirty tunic. I still can't believe seeing a wardrobe filled with dresses—which according to Amerton—those are all mine and everything in that room belongs to me.

Soaking my body in an ample supply of scented warm water in an ivory-colored tub, it feels good and it's a taste of luxury I never had before. Sweet scent of roses and apples still lingers in my skin.

And until now, I still can't keep my eyes from this cream peach dress I chose to wear. I find it most modest and less ostentatious among those fancy garments. I'm not used wearing pretty dress but there's nothing else to choose with.

Sauntering in a garden richly thrives in full bloom, there's a wide serene lake that glimmers under a morning ray of light. It looks clear and tranquil I'd like to take a dip someday if given any chance. It's quite dulcet seeing an avenue of cerasus flourishing along its border.

At a lakeside, it's gilded with lotus flowers with flock of swans frolicking around. They look like a group of lovely nymphs dipping in a clear crystal stream.

Looking beyond at a lush green valley, my eyes linger at a monstrous, snow-capped mountain. Fogs coiled around it like a grey veil of ash making it looks eerie and mysterious. I'm pondering if everything around here is real and not just an illusion.

As much as I want to ponder, I'm supposed to go straight to the pavilion. It didn't take time to find it situated at the left side of the lake. It's densely surrounded with lotus in dainty-pink blooms.

Right then, I saw him leaning comfortably at one of the white pillars with his usual way of staring which I deemed improper or is it perhaps it's on me not used being watched at? His blue orbs are glowing with an undisguised mirth.

Again, it looks like he's been watching me all along. He didn't bother to avert his eyes away. Staring someone is rude. It felt like I've been robbed and invaded being watched while I let myself charmed and carried away by nature's resplendence. He really has his way of toiling himself breaking someone's privacy. Though it's useless to complain and make a fuss about it.

Supposedly, I should serve him as I've been told but I just moped around like I'm the owner of this manor.

Walking as fast as I could, I didn't like the way he rakes his eyes on me while walking towards him. He's fiddling his fingers in a balustrade as if imitating every pace I take.

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