49| Fallen Star

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"What was that for?"

"There are lot of eyes and ears surrounding us, Hanaya." Aseron created a shield around them. "Be mindful whatever you say."

"Is this one of your skills—a shield maker?" She teased seeing a transparent flow of energy in pale green haze whirling around them. Poking its reeling features, it sends a tingling sense at every tip of her finger. Its enshrouding hazy element looks like a visual distortion. It's a spellbound tent used as their makeshift ward throughout the night. It's impossible to find an inn in a middle of nowhere. As per Aseron, it takes three days to reach Hannan Region.

She's fond dozing in a comfortable bed cocooned by a warm duvet but she like how intimate it feels being with him within this tiny, whimsical encampment. She won't trade this moment for anything.

"I'm a gatekeeper—

"You're a gatekeeper?" She raised an eye brow. "But why do we have to travel for days when you can open a portal?"

"Opening a portal creates anomaly in this realm. It stirs the flow of energy and it won't go undetected by those dark forces." He fixes a final touch to secure every edge of their shield. "Being undetected, there are two options: it takes a huge amount of ability to stay hidden under their nose."

"And what's option two?" Impatiently, she asks when Aseron shut his mouth. He keeps dangling his words she can't be blamed if he got a smack on his head anytime soon.

He gave her a quick glance. "One should belong to another realm."

"That sounds odd." Scrunching her nose, she darted him a knowing look. "You better not try to fool me this time. Why would it create an anomaly when we're within a realm? Outsiders are likely easy to detect and it applies at every concept. So, what's with that switch?"

"Switch..." He smirks. "There's no such thing. You'll just have to widen your perception in order to understand things beyond your grasp. You just said outsiders are easy to detect. It certainly applies to you."

"So, you mean we are outsiders?"

"I'm glad you quickly got it." Aseron heaves out. "That unusual weather last few days ago is a strong evidence of anomaly due to a breached shield surrounding the portal. But thanks heavens, it got fixed before it gets worsened."

She narrowed her eyes. "How far does that shield have covered?" She already had an inkling how far it reaches but she wants him to spill it.

He seemed reluctant at first. "The whole ground of Calrassus."

"Whoa! That's outrageous!" She's totally dumfounded. "Wait... Wait—didn't that manor, I mean, even that high mountains of Calrassus belongs to your lord, right?"

"It's his domain." Aseron uttered, obviously bothered. "I can open a portal within Calrassus."

"You mean, you have an access at that portal? That you're just fooling around when you told me that freaking portal was closed?" He might think she won't be able to find out. With just a slip of a tongue, she can easily catch a lie.

"Uhm... About that—

"What about it?" She scooted closer. And as usual, he subtly put a distance between them as if he's being licked by fire. But being inside a narrow shield he created, she has a great advantage. She won't stop bugging him unless he spills it out.

"It doesn't matter—uhm, can you move over? We need to take a rest, Hanaya. We still have a long ride tomorrow."

"It doesn't matter?" Feeling rejected, she glared. "I don't need rest when I know you're hiding a lot from me—when my sister is out there and in danger but you don't want to share what's actually happening all about."

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