47| Gentle Touch

414 61 287

This must be a dream...

"Are you feeling better?" Lord Ronin asks.

I didn't expect seeing him first thing in a morning. Strangely, I've got a good sleep. Somehow it helps to make me feel better. I don't want to get up yet. I still want to curl myself in this soft bed and hide under this warm blanket. I don't know how long he's been watching and waited for me to wake up. But then, this must be a dream—


His soothing voice forces me to get up and fully grasp the whole situation. But I'm still uncertain why he's here with me in this modest room. His eminent presence shines out and make this place looks old and dilapidated. As I look around, its beam ceiling is primarily made of hardwood which gives a rustic look and warm ambiance.

Standing beside an open window, he walks lightly towards a small, wooden table. He took a pot and pours a light-green colored tea in a cup. "I see, you're still wondering where you might be."

"Yes..." Walking towards me, it's still surreal to see him around. He is a higher entity on flesh. I'm certain his kind is highly selective. He probably won't associate himself with mere mortals and lower beings without any reason.

"Here, take it." He handed out a cup of steaming tea. "It will make you feel better."

Looking up into him, his little act of care brings warmth to my heart. It'll be nothing and just a random act to him but for me it's everything—it's all I need right now. "Thank you, my Lord. I'm beyond grateful for not—for not leaving me yet."

A moment of silence passes by when we just let our eyes mirror each other. It becomes a habit to let myself drawn into his orbs. There's a lot in it—raw emotions that I want to decipher and explore. Before I could delve deeper, he looks away and walks towards the door.

"Lord Ronin..." Please don't leave. I want to tell him that. I don't want him to leave yet but I don't think I do have the right telling him to stay.

Turning his head sideways, he's waiting for me to speak up. "Do you need anything?"

"I just—" Wanting to go after him, I forgot I'm still holding a cup of tea. It spilled over me and it makes me startled seeing a mess of spilt tea and shattered cup strewing in the floor.

"Look out!" Lord Ronin rushes back and stops me from getting out of the bed. "Don't bother picking it up. You're just going to get some cuts." Heaving out a sigh, he's obviously annoyed. "You should always be careful, Yenaery." He crouches down. "See? You've got it."

It's unexpected seeing him crouching down and fazing over a shard stuck at my left foot. Though it doesn't hurt, my blood starts trickling from the gash.

"Sit back." He sweeps all of the mess using his skill. In seconds, everything went clear and the wooden floor becomes uncluttered as it was. Without a word, he reaches out and touches my lower leg.

"Please, don't bother." I whisk my leg away from his grasp. "I can manage—

"It's bleeding." He reached it out once again. "You won't bother getting it healed either. Just quit refusing and let's get into it. Let's not waste both of our time opposing."

Sitting in the bed, I'm still at awe seeing him tending on my wound. Knowing him as despicable and ruthless, I'm pondering why he became considerate. I can't help it but it's heartwarming how real it is—how warm his gentle touch is. I have a lot of things to deal with but his presence shoves it out of my head until there's nothing to think about but only him crouching in front of me. Once again, he affects and draws me in like a moth to a flame.

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