16| Dormant Soul

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"Do you play harp?"

Yenaery shakes her head. "I don't know how to play it."

Taking a piece of morsel, his lips twitch seeing her taking one steps at a time. "How about a flute, can you play it?"

She shakes her head again.

"Just play any musical tools you can, I don't mind." He caught her taking another step.

She freezes while waiting his reaction upon being caught. "I never played any sort of it." Seeing him unbothered, she takes one more step.

Her silly stunt amuses him. She's definitely thinking she could trick him. As far as he got to know her more, she's not really that passive at all. She can be stubborn if she wants to. "You must learn how to play an instrument at least one." She dared another step again. "Learning how to play music is fun."

"I'm not interested."

Lifting his brow, her blunt retort never fails to amuse him. This girl has no qualms at all. She's not showing any sign of respect and obedience as what a lowly being should do. She may look submissive yet she's daring—is she trying to rile him? "Why you're just standing right there?" Putting the knife and fork at his half-eaten meal, he doesn't eat like mortals. "Come over here, I told you we're not yet done."

She looked sideways, probably torn between staying and sprinting away.

He chuckled. "Don't bother doing what you're thinking, Yenaery. You're just going to waste your breath. Come over here and let's talk."

Realizing her attempt devoid of any chances, she conceded yet she stayed where she stands.

She looks expressionless but what she'd done definitely shows how wayward she can be. She does things at her own pace. But being driven with attraction, he won't get tired unfolding—exploring every piece of her. "Are you trying to test my patience, little lamb?"

Looking straight to his eyes, she's contemplating. "I'm not a lamb—I'm not a piece of meat either."

He didn't expect her absurd remark. Of all possible things to say, her silly retort is out of context. He couldn't hold his amusement seeing how she grasps things literally. Figuring her out, she's naive and candid which he initially perceived as plain hardheadedness. "Of course, you're not. You're—" How would he say it? He cackled he couldn't stop it. She reminds him of a lamb. Too young and innocent—but with a twist...

She tilted her head obviously pondering what he's laughing at.

His shoulders are still shaking from laughing. "Can you sing a song?"


Leaning back on his chair, he wouldn't mind teasing her all day. "That's not how you answer a question, Yenaery. A simple yes or no is enough."

"I know."

Alright, he's getting it. She's trying her best to rile him up. Well, he's in his liveliest mood to play. "So, can you sing a song?"

She lowered her eyes. She seems reading him as well. "There's—there's a tune I knew."

She backed out. She's such a spoilsport. It would've fun seeing her temper had she played along. When things become more interesting she chooses to act meek. "Then, try."

Something struck her when she went dead still. Her eyes became unfocused. Like what happened yesterday, something had triggered her to get lost and trapped in her gruesome past again.

At a blink of an eye, he stood in front of her and tried to pull her out. But before he could do something, she's humming a tune—a tune that sounds sad and inconsolable.

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